Nestlé Restructuring Sugar Itself to Cut Ingredient Without Changing Taste
In late November Nestlé announced it had made a research breakthrough in their chocolate recipes – restructuring sugar in order to cut down on the ingredient by 40%, but still trick consumer taste buds into sweet satisfaction.
Nestlé says, “Imagine if your favorite chocolate bar tasted just as good, but with much less sugar.” It does sound like a dream, but how is it done?
Honestly, it’s hard to tell…
Nestlé is going to use much less sugar but the quick-dissolving structure will make the human tongue perceive the same sweetness as before. Nestlé says the researchers are using only natural ingredients but have found a way structure sugar differently. How? It’s unlikely we will know because the technique is going to be patented before the product rolls out in 2018.
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Obviously they are excited to cut costs, have a better health perception in the public eye and not sacrifice taste.
Stefan Catsicas, Nestlé Chief Technology Officer, said:
This truly groundbreaking research is inspired by nature and has the potential to reduce total sugar by up to 40% in our confectionery.
Our scientists have discovered a completely new way to use a traditional, natural ingredient.
It’s hard to say yay or nay when we still don’t have a clue how the sugar is restructured. It could be a newly discovered kitchen trick or an all-out, lab-created genetic feat.
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Judging by the microscopic images provided by the company, I’m leaning toward the latter:
Image above: Left image is normal sugar. On the right is the newly restructured sugar. The sugar itself is restructured somehow!
Just above, is an image showing the quicker dissolving sugar in water – click here to see an animation of this effect.
The company expects to provide more details about the first roll-out of reduced sugar confectionery sometime next year. It is not clear if this is a global move, or only applies to the United States.
What is a consumer to do?
Many of our readers say they have stopped consuming Nestlé products altogether for various reasons. This writer knows that when a body care product or cosmetic says “inspired by nature” that usually signals one of the most synthetic products – there might not be an actual whisper left in the product.
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If you are concerned about Nestlé’s recent creation but still have a sweet tooth every now and then – you might be lulled back into the arms of Hershey. After all, they have cut all GMO sugar from their chocolate recipes. It doesn’t mean that all the GMO ingredients are gone (milk from cows fed GMO grains), or that they use fair trade practices or that their products are free from heavy metals. But, since Nestlé is known to be socially reckless (slave labor, watching critics, deforestation, advertising food as healthy, draining aquifers during drought and water contamination crises) – it makes the other Big Candy brand look a little brighter.
Why not make your own superfood chocolate or chocolate milk in just minutes?
This article (Nestlé Restructuring Sugar Itself to Cut Ingredient Without Changing Taste) can be republished with attribution to Heather Callaghan, source article and Natural, keeping all links and bio intact.
Heather Callaghan is an independent researcher, writer, speaker and food freedom activist. She is the Editor and co-founder of NaturalBlaze.
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