The Quantum Theory On Mind-Body Connection
Dr. Fahad Basheer, guest to Natural Blaze
The mind, body and consciousness exist as a cybernetic loop in which the 3 systems are highly interlinked and dependent on each other. Quantum theory of Mind body connection is a simple platform which helps a person to easily comprehend the inseparable connection between the mind and body. Here are a few biochemical ways which can explain the interaction of mind body and consciousness with each other.
(1) Mind Affecting Body
When we are at stress, Adrenaline is released at the end of neurons within a nano second in the sympathetic nervous system which further activates adrenaline gland to produce epinephrine and non epinephrine. This released hormones increase heart rate, blood pressure, gastric acidity and dampens immune system.
(2) Body affecting Mind
In a PTSD patient, who suffered from grievous physical injury develops uncontrollable stress. The injury which the person gets build up inflammation and releases chemokines like Interleukin- 1 beta, interleukin-6, Tumor necrosis factor and C-reactive protein to stimuilate hypathalamus to activate hypothalamo pituatory adrenal axis to activate release cortisols producing PTSD symptoms on one hand and increases adrenergic stimulation in the locus ceruleus nucleus of the brain there by impairing the synchronized activity of prefrontal cortex, amygdala and hippocampus leading to mental states ranging from stress to depression.
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(3) Body and Mind affecting Consciousness.
Patients with hypoglycemia, hyponatremia and uraemia suffers from impaired consciousness, due to impaired biomoelular functioning of neurons in the brain. For instance, if glucose goes down, neurons in the brain cannot generate ATP (Adenosine tri phosphate) from Krebs cycle for the functioning of voltage gated sodium and potassium channels in neurons that are vital for the functioning of consciousness. This is a simple example to explain how bio molecular changes in the body can affect consciousness. When a person is suffering from psychosis, schizophrenia or extreme states of depression or stress, there is obviously a high unbalanced activity of cortical neurons due to exaggerated release of dopamine, decreased GABA release and other neurotransmitter imbalances.
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(4) So how does the consciousness affect the mind and body?
To find out how, let us go to the quantum world residing in the human body. The human body is in real a cohesive existence of mind, body and consciousness. A tiny alternation in any one of the system can affect the other two systems regardless of time and space. So what is quantum theory of mind body connection? It is simply 5 postulations made on various bio-molecular observation, evidence based research and metaphysical strategies. To begin with, the quantum theory of mind-body connection put forth 5 simple laws that can help a pupil to discover and research to understand and comprehend the working of Mind body continuum.
The First law
The mind body and consciousness are interlinked each other independent of time and space. This ideology forms the vital base of this theory. This fundamental law is the only bold and brave argument which is enough to explain the most puzzling questions about the mind body continuum that have passed throughout the centuries. To enforce this idea, In 1933 researchers conducted a study in a US military base. They collected leucocytes from a donor and extracted the DNA. Thereafter, the donor was kept in a room at the military base and was subjected to emotional stimulation by showing him various video clips. These clips were capable of generating different emotions in the donor.
The result was amazing. It was noted that the donor’s extracted DNA exhibited the same electrical response as that of the donor himself and that too simultaneously without any time lag. In the follow-up to this experiment, the researchers dispatched the DNA sample approx. 350 miles away from the military base camp housing the donor. The experiment was repeated. There was no change in the DNA’s response. The results were the same. It continued to be affected by the donor’s changing moods and feelings. It was then strongly established that the DNA has a wireless connect with its owner and his/her emotions. This connection is independent of time and space. Living cells and human emotions communicate through a form of energy that exists everywhere and at all times.
From this experiment it is evident that our emotions can influence the very own living cells of our body independent of time and space. The question lies in how this miracle happens? In my book “The Science of Emotions” I have put forth the new inevitable theory of quantum mechanics that is majestic enough to explain this mind body connection that works independent of time and space.
The Second Law
I call that theory of reality as “THE FAHADS MIND BODY QUANTUM EFFECT”. An effect that takes place independent of time and space.
When we integrate the quantum mechanics into the mind body system it can explain every single mind boggling problems in the mind body continuum. Quantum Entanglement is an excellent mechanics which can rejuvenate life in explaining the mind-body connection.
To illustrate, when the wave function of one atom A coalesces with the wave function of another atom B, both the atoms are in a state of entanglement. When we place atom A at one corner of the earth and atom B elsewhere and then bring about changes in atom A, atom B is affected. It too exhibits the same changes and that too at the same time independent of time and place. This phenomenon is known as ‘quantum entanglement.’ In experiments conducted, laser beams were fired through a certain type of crystal thereby causing individual photons to split into pairs of entangled photons.
These split photons were then separated and placed miles away. It was seen that photon A takes an up-spin state. The entangled photon B though several miles away, took up a state relative to that of photon A (in this case a down-spin state). Any change induced in photon A was reflected in photon B at the very moment it was induced in A. This happened independent of time and space. Hence in quantum entanglement multiple particles are linked together such that the measurement of one particle’s quantum state determines the possible quantum state of the others.
This unique and extraordinary phenomenon in the quantum mechanics is just the same that happens in the mind body continuum. So how does the quantum entanglement can explain the mind-body connection? According to the The Fahads mind-body quantum effect, it states that: “When the wave function of atoms of the human mind is coalesced with the wave function of the atoms of the human body, any change brought about in the atoms of the human mind (in the form of thoughts or emotions) affects the atoms (carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen etc) of human body independent of time and space”.
The third Law
After the reckless efforts to localize mind in brain, some neuroscients had to rewrite that mind can never be localized to a certain area of the complex brain. So what is the nature of human mind and where is the mind in human body? The human mind is an electromagnetic energy field that exists throughout body that can never be localized in the brain. This field carries information that decides the nature and functioning of the living cells. How is the human mind controlling the living cells of our body? Before establishing how the mind control the living cells let us see this experiment.
In a study it was found that adrenaline produced in the body acts specifically on the receptors that it had to, while the adrenaline that was injected from outside (which was not produced in the body) acted randomly at all the receptors. Which clearly proves that the adrenaline produced in the body carried ‘information’ that the exogenous adrenaline did not have. This information is the matrix that decides the functioning of the cells. This matrix is a natural rhythm in the human body similar to the circardian rhythm and pacemaker cells of our body which maintains a natural harmony of physiological function of the cells in our body . However this matrix is influenced by the electromagnetic field of mind that comprises of information in the forms of emotions or thoughts.
As a parable, It happens when the two ripples of waves meet each other which is produced in the same pond, by dropping two stones at short distance from each other. To recapitulate we can say that the information in the human mind influences the matrix that governs the functioning of living cells in the form of energy.
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The fourth law
The question is “Is this possible?” Does this postulation really happen in the real biology of life? The information carried in the human mind is none other than our emotions and thoughts. Our emotions exist in our body in the form of electromagnetic waves that can be detected and mapped with the modern technologies like emotograph. It has been found from a research that the positive emotions like love had high frequency and lower wave length while the negative emotions like fear had lower frequency and higher wavelength.
Due to their respective wave nature of emotions, Positive emotions like Love due to its high frequency it was able to act at multiple focal points on the DNAs antenna causing DNA to relax and express its codons to translate the respective proteins whereas the negative emotions like Fear was able to act at few focal points causing less expression of the DNAs codons. In addition, quantum physics no longer consider the atoms are as a matter rather as a vibrating energy fields. 99.99999% of the atoms space is energy that keeps on vibrating non locally! So when the wave form of emotions hit with the waves of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms of the very DNA, it is actually tunneling protons and electrons with each others altering genes in the DNA in diverse probabilities and non locally.
The fifth law
From this same experiment, it is evident that depending on the information in the emotions, the activity and functioning of the DNA of the cell is influenced and regulated. From this ground breaking research it can be said that:” Depending upon the information in the human mind the activity and functioning of the living cells changes accordingly”.
In other words if the information in the mind is positive, the living cells exhibit positive results and positive outcomes and if the information in the mind in negative, the living cells exhibit negative results and negative outcomes. From this research I further extend the postulation as: “If the information in the human mind is positive the functioning of the cells will be in a positive state and if the information in the human mind is negative the functioning of the living cells will be in a negative state” This can be used as a scale to measure the probability of the physical manifestations of human mind in the body.
The positive biochemical process like anti aging, tissue regeneration and balanced metabolism can be compared with positive emotions and Autoimmune disorders, decreased functioning of immune cells and other metabolic disorders can be compared with negative emotions. Today there are even evidences and comprehensive research on the epigenetic modulation of human emotions over the functioning of our DNA at biomolecular levels like neuropeptides and even electromagnetic waves aiding DNA methylation, histone acteylation and other process over DNA to drastically change its performance. In sum, consciousness is a supreme field of the human body that can alter the mind and the body through invisible and detectable electromagnetic influence.
So by summating the quantum theory on the mind body connection:
(1) The mind body and consciousness are interlinked each other independent of time and space.
(2) When the wave function of atoms of the human mind is coalesced with the wave function of the atoms of the human body, any change brought about in the atoms of the human mind (in the form of thoughts or emotions) affects the atoms (carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen etc) of human body independent of time and space. This is known as The Fahads Mind Body Quantum Effect.
(3) The information in the human mind influences the matrix that governs the functioning of living cells in the form of energy.
(4) Depending upon the information in the human mind the activity and functioning of the living cells changes accordingly
(5) If the information in the human mind is positive the functioning of the cells will be in a positive state and if the information in the human mind is negative the functioning of the living cells will be in a negative state.
This article (The Quantum Theory On Mind-Body Connection) was submitted to Natural Blaze and appears here with permission from the author.
Dr. Fahad Basheer is an author, writer and a trainer. He is a highly influential independent researcher of consciousness, mind body continuum system and its applications in medicine. He has specialized in NLP psycho therapeutics. He is the author of the book The Science of Emotions. He has published numerous articles to different magazines and Medical Journals. Follow Dr.Fahad Basheer on Facebook: & Twitter: