3 Colostrum Secrets Revealed


By Melinda Cafferty

It is widely accepted in agriculture that it is important for a new born calf to drink its mother’s milk in the first few hours of birth in order to get colostrum into its system. It is considered essential to good health in the baby calf. Yet many human parents seem to disregard the importance of colostrum in the short-and-long-term health of their children.

Colostrum is the milk or pre-milk substance produced by mammals and humans in late pregnancy and the first 2-4 days after birth. It is loaded with valuable immune-boosting proteins, antioxidants and other compounds.

1.) Primary Benefits of Colostrum

What are the benefits of colostrum? Colostrum is a “first food” for mammals and like many white colored foods, the primary benefit is bolstering the immune system or providing a makeshift immunity in those who have an underdeveloped or broken down immune system. I.e., babies, children constantly exposed to sickness, those who are ill, and the elderly – oh, and many of us who are exposed to myriad environmental toxins in a single day.

It is said to have over 90 health components including immunglobulins, antibodies, antimicrobial fatty acids, growth factors (hormones and precursors to hormones), gut-loving prebiotics and probiotics, and pretty much every essential nutrient currently known. Research papers have proven its ability to ease autoimmune conditions like Sjogren’s, ulcers and other intestinal inflammation, inflammatory cytokine secretions, Leaky Gut, bowel issues, wound healing, Crohn’s, and sheep’s colostrum may have a preventative effect on Alzheimer’s.

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For all this admonishment of dairy products and accusations of it causing allergies, people forget that colostrum, a component only found in the early milkings is nothing but a mega immunity boost, tolerated by practically everyone. It is entirely different than regular dairy milk produced after four days. Contrary to knee-jerk reactions, colostrum isn’t “just for baby cows” – it can help your sick dog and all other mammals because it is a cross-species substance. Sacred cows, indeed – it can leave one in awe to think of the special healing powers of it.

2.) All Hail Colostrum, Circa Forever

Speaking of sacred cows, colostrum is an Ayurvedic healing secret and ancient Tao secret, too. In Scandinavia and other European countries, first milkings were celebrated and often made into puddings.

Taoism Expert Elizabeth Reninger writes:

In Fascinating Colostrum: An Ancient Food For Modern Times, John Heinerman writes:

“Colostrum was used in ancient times by different cultures for both nourishment and remedial purposes. In an apocryphal work entitled “The Book of Sirach” (written sometime between 300-275 BC), this “first milk” from a female animal who had just given birth, was ranked up there with wheat, honey, salt, water, fire and iron as being some of the “necessities of life.” (R.H. Charles’ The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of The Old Testament (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976; I: 459).”

Sadly, in the U.S., doctors of the 1950s and 1960s gravely recommended against breastfeeding, much to the detriment of a generation of overly plump, but not necessarily healthy formula-fed babies. Mothers who are able to breastfeed their newborns provide the most crucial immune powers known through colostrum.

Penicillin had overshadowed the growing interest in studying colostrum. Colostrum was the penicillin of its day – for millenia, actually. Breast feeding, healing foods and other natural, intuitive parenting styles have become en vogue again after generations of allergy and eczema ridden babies. Rest assured, there are over 2,000 studies on its safety and efficacy in treating myriad conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis.

Today, colostrum is a boon to spas for its anti-aging benefits and body builders who are in the know. But one of the biggest and best kept secrets of colostrum is that it is a little-known remedy for the herpes viruses – all of them, including Epstein Barr Virus and the dreaded STD. Why shouldn’t you take advantage of it, too, if you are dealing with a chronic issue? Depression perhaps? Depression is now associated with inflammation and people’s behavior can change when they are unwittingly battling an infection or an abundance of inflammation. It takes a lot of energy from the body.

Personally, I don’t prefer chewable brands, but have received great benefit from Douglas Laboratories capsules, which come from pasture-fed New Zealand cows. It is especially helpful for wintertime, sluggishness, for when you’re not getting over something such as a lung issue or a bout of Epstein Barr that comes out like a roaring dragon just when your changing over to a healthier lifestyle.

3.) Does Colostrum Take Immunity From the Baby Calf?

Whenever there’s a rising health trend, it would behoove consciousness’ sake to think about the deficit it creates until the food or product is readily available. Apparently the fascination with Greek yogurt and quinoa has created waste byproducts and land deficits respectively. Bottled water is another trend that should have gone a different way. You’ll be glad to know that calves are treated to the first run of colostrum and that the colostrum that you enjoy for better immunity does not steal from the younger mammal.

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Even the Food and Agricultural Organization (a branch of the U.N. and a co-creator of Codex Alimentarius global food guidelines) has recommendations in place to ensure that calves are fed the first run of colostrum and that colostrum for human consumption is only collected after the calf has nursed. Avoid companies that say they offer the very first run colostrum. Raw milk is also never stolen from the calf – many of the horror stories involving our bovine friends happen behind the doors of dark and bloated factory farms where cattle are quite literally milked for all they’re worth. Raw milk and many colostrum sources strive to take care of the animals and do not leave the young out of its food (and natural medicine) source. There’s plenty enough to go around in the organic and pasture fed operations.

Colostrum is indeed a white gold that is best used when there is a mild to severe immune or auto immune issue that doesn’t seem to respond to anything offered. When depression is present and you suspect high levels of inflammation or a hidden infection. While body builders may turn to it to become massive and strong – think of its revival properties for someone who feels faded and wants to bounce back to life.

Melinda Cafferty researches writes for Natural Blaze where this article first appeared.

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