Drink This Nighttime Elixir to Bounce Out of Bed in the Morning


By Heather Callaghan

Do you slip back into groggy unconsciousness as soon as you hit the snooze button in the morning? Are your legs and arms more like the Tin Man’s – stiffly heading for the coffee pot?

It is with great hope that this drink and its ingredients will drastically change that for you and induce better sleep and a refreshing feeling upon waking. The benefits go beyond that, however, and it might help beat inflammation, pain and fatigue giving a profound sense of well-being.

What you’ll need:

  • 1/4 – 1/2 tsp [easyazon_link identifier=”B019G9P3OI” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]Turmeric powder[/easyazon_link]
  • 1/2 Lemon squeezed
  • Dash of black pepper
  • Dash of Cayenne pepper
  • Pinch of sea salt (I use sun-dried Celtic sea salt)
  • Small splash of maple (you could also use raw honey)

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Cautions: This can have a detoxifying effect especially if not drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day. Namely, it can cause headaches if not used to it. This is not a replacement for water! Those with blood pressure issues will want to consult with a preferred health practitioner as turmeric is known to lower blood pressure and thin blood. Start on the weekend and go once a week at first to avoid the possibility of a Herxheimer reaction, a.k.a. a healing crisis. This was first observed and officially named after observing the flu-like effects from Candida die-off [1]. When C. Albicans yeast dies in the body, it releases a toxin that the body has to clean out. It was recently discovered that turmeric kills cancer-causing yeast!

On nights when you don’t drink this, use a pinch of sea salt under your tongue followed by just a few swigs of water. Your adrenals will love you back so much for this after a month – (at least mine did!).


Place turmeric, salt, cayenne, pepper and sweetener in a mug. While boiling 8-10 ounces of pure water, squeeze lemon juice into the mug. Pour the hot water (non-boiling) into the mug and stir thoroughly. Consider using a [easyazon_link identifier=”B00KM61F88″ locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]glass straw[/easyazon_link] to protect your teeth. (I am totally buying that set of glass straws – it’s about time!)

Enjoy one to two hours before bed – I have had it right before bed with no issues. If you can aid this elixir by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and getting to actual sleep before 11 pm (preferably by 1o pm), you’ll be ready to bounce, Baby.

Why Does This Turmeric Elixir Work?

Turmeric = clears inflammation and pain, reduces PMS cramping, reported to alleviate depression

Sea salt = real hydration (not bloated water retention), remineralization, electrolytes and soothing to adrenals which can induce better sleep and lessen fatigue. This can decrease the amount of times going to the bathroom at night. Sea salt is what gives you the morning “bounce.”

Cayenne = increased circulation and heart happiness

Black pepper = Increases your body’s ability to absorb turmeric

Lemon = electrolytes including magnesium, aids the liver/gallbladder which starts a cleaning cycle at 11 pm

Maple = tons of antioxidant activity, minerals, plus the newly discovered Quebecol, an anti-inflammatory compound, minerals are maintained when heated whereas vitamins tend to get killed off. That’s one reason maple is a better choice than honey (vitamins).

Have you tried this drink or something similar?

What’s your favorite nighttime or “bounce” drink?

Sound off below and don’t forget to share!

[1] [easyazon_link identifier=”0553277510″ locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]The Yeast Syndrome[/easyazon_link], by Dr. John Trowbridge and Morton Walker, Dpm

This article (Drink This Nighttime Elixir to Bounce Out of Bed in the Morning) can be republished under a Creative Commons license, with attribution to author and Natural Blaze.com.

Heather Callaghan is an independent researcher, natural health blogger and food freedom activist. She is the editor and co-founder of NaturalBlaze.com. Like at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Check out our recommended Reading List.


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