7 Health Hacks That Truly Work Wonders
It’s a mystery how this writer has never written an article on health before, given that the past thirteen years have been fully dedicated to it!
In 2002 I had surgery for a non-metastasizing tumor in the right chest. Although the surgery was a success, it left me with “hospital pneumonia”; eight chest tubes; and a reconstructed chest wall, with the right arm devoid of support-muscles. Oh, did I mention the surgery took seventeen hours?
A year and a half later, the tumor came back; and I received the maximum radiation one can be prescribed, which put me in hospice, twice (this was because the doctors thought the growth would not respond… at all). Fortunately, the mass did end up shrinking; but I was sick for several years, basically subsisting on bread for nourishment.
Slowly I’ve made gains in strength. And after battling an array of health issues, and researching various cures, I’ve learned a good deal about what works. Now, I’d like to pass on a few excellent tips to you, which we will call, “My seven health hacks”.
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1) Turmeric
You can buy it either in powdered form, or in the form of a capsule. Either way, turmeric is powerful at fighting infection, inflammation, and even pain (due to inflammation, of course). From personal experience, I can tell you it is powerful enough to fight off a bone infection. It’s also a strong anti-cancer preventative.
As far as using the root powder, it can stain, and the taste is a bit strong. I personally mix it with a shake, and that masks most of the flavor. For those who wish to avoid these things, I would advise going with the capsule. Either way, get the turmeric, and use it everyday.
2) Manuka Honey
Do you have a wound that won’t close; an abrasion that resists healing; acid reflux; or a sinus infection? If so, google these problems and “Manuka honey“. This beautiful product from New Zealand has incredible curative powers; and I can personally attest that it closes wounds, as it did with the one I had that was due to radiation. It’s an amazing product, that can potentially prevent surgeries, and deflect expensive “purple pill” purchases.
3) Tired all the time? Check your thyroid; iron; and vitamin D levels
A drop in any one of these could be what is causing it, and a simple blood test will indicate the results to you. Besides energy gain, people taking thyroid medicine report significant weight loss; iron users report interesting things such as the return of thinning hair; and vitamin D users speak of gains in bone density, and even greater joy! Highly recommended.
4) Turmeric, honey, and black pepper
This mixture is a powerful decongestant. I’m prone to congestion, myself, having had pneumonia after my surgery. Only 24 hours after I first tried this, I started coughing stuff up. An albuterol nubulizer also works, but many will not want to inhale the chemical.
I recommend using a measuring cup to mix it in. Then take 4-5 oz. of honey, 3 tea spoons of turmeric, and a dash of the black pepper, and stir till mixed thoroughly.
5) For the elderly, the slight, and the sick, I recommend making protein shakes
Personally, I mix a vanilla shake in with mint chocolate chip ice cream, and one banana; but others use yogurt, especially those who are watching their sugar. (And as I mentioned previously, a shake is a great way to take your ground turmeric.)
Although most today seem to be trying to lose weight, for the frail, the elderly, and the thin, who are in danger of falling and hurting themselves, a little padding is always helpful. Protein can also give you an energy boost. Worth considering.
6) Garlic
Great for sore throats and colds, and also an anti-inflammatory, garlic is a staple for the do-it-yourself-doctor.
7) Stillness. Rest. Contemplation. Generosity. Gratitude.
What’s the point of having a well-tuned body, if your soul is agitated and conflicted? Human beings are more than just bodies, and the interior must be nourished as well.
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I learned these hacks over time, but you can employ them instantly. The good news is that certain things that we live with and sometimes have serious operations for, can be healed with quite simple remedies. I also recommend taking a good multi-vitamin, and exercising, too.
I wish you luck, and perfect health!
Photo credit: Salvatore Iovene via Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC-SA
This piece was featured on Natural Blaze with permission from the author. Chris Veritas writes informative pieces like this at Veritas Gazette, at his blog, and humorous satire news at Some Cry Wolf.Â