14 Vitamin-Rich Foods To Clean Your Blood and Remove Free Radicals
It’s time to stop seeing food as just a means to give your body energy, but also a means to heal. Certain foods can even be used as medicine, and have the ability to cleanse your body of harmful toxins that threaten it.
These 14 foods are powerhouses when it comes to detoxifying your body. They support healthy liver function and are rich in fiber, two very important components when it comes to ridding your body of toxins.
Celery is the perfect 1-2 punch when it comes to detoxing. Celery seeds have the ability to cleanse the liver because they lower uric acid levels. The vegetable itself has diuretic properties that rid the body of excess fluids and toxins.
Celery is great on it’s own, but mix it into your next salad to add a refreshing crunch. The seeds can be cracked and used to add a great earthy flavor to your favorite homemade vinaigrettes.
Cayenne Pepper
Capsaicin, the component that gives peppers their heat, helps to stimulate detoxification by increasing blood flow. It also stimulates the sweat glands, which is another way that your body rids itself of toxins.
Cayenne pepper is a great way to add a kick to multiple recipes. Try adding a pinch of it in place of black pepper and enjoy a spicy twist to some old favorites.
Watercress is great because it helps to energize cleansing enzymes in your liver, making it an excellent detoxifier.
With its peppery taste, watercress works beautifully as a salad leaf. It’s flavor is really highlighted when it’s used in a watermelon and feta salad. Trust us – delicious.
Citrus Fruits
Lemons, limes, and grapefruits are powerful detoxifiers because of the phytonutrient limonoid. Limonoidpromotes the formation of enzymes in your liver that flush toxins out of your body.
Use the juice of any of these fruits in homemade salad dressing instead of vinegar to add a fruity flavor profile to your favorite salads and maximize you antioxidant intake.
Sea Vegetables
Also known as seaweeds, sea vegetables such as kombu, nori, and kelp contain a nutrient called algin. Alginabsorbs heavy metals and other toxins from the digestive tract.
Try crumbling some sheets of nori into your next salad for some added texture and flavor, or you can even snack on it on its own.
Onions, leeks, shallots, chives, and garlic promotes liver health because they contain flavonoids that stimulate the production of glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that encourages the elimination of toxins and carcinogens in the body.
You can use alliums in almost any recipe to add flavor. Raw onions can be a pretty potent, so try soaking it in lime juice before adding them to salads to lose some of its edge without losing the benefits.
Beets are a liver’s best friend. They contain a compound called betaine that encourages your liver to flush toxins and helps increase the production of detoxifying enzymes in the liver.
Roast whole beets in your oven to boost their natural sweetness. They make great additions to salads, especially if you add crumbled feta and onions.
It may look intimidating, but this spiky thistle is filled with the antioxidant silymarin, which boosts liver function making it a potent detoxifier.
Try steaming artichokes over water that has lemon juice, thyme, and rosemary in it. It’s a great way to infuse flavor without adding any excess calories.
An obvious superfood recognized by many people as essential in a healthy diet. A maybe less known fact is that it contains glutathione, a compound that supports liver detoxification.
Avocado has endless uses that all taste delicious. Try mashing some up and using it in place of spreads like mayo or cream cheese.
Dandelion Greens
A powerful diuretic, dandelion helps to enhance the flow of bile which is essential for liver detoxification.
A great way to prepare dandelion is to steam it, then tossing it with some garlic infused olive oil and some sliced up chilies. Spicy, delicious, and most importantly good for you.
Another natural diuretic, fennel helps the body flush toxic substances naturally. The seeds are also great for proper absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines.
Thinly sliced fennel makes a great base for a salad. Add some of your favorite greens, lightly dress it, and enjoy a fresh way to eat more fennel.
Not only does cilantro have antibacterial and anticancer properties, it is also great for cleansing the body of heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, and lead.
Cilantro is a very versatile herb, but one way it’s great is when you add it to a simple tomato and onion salad. Soak the onions in lemon juice first to make them more palatable, then just toss them with chopped tomatoes and cilantro. It works great on baked fish to give it some added flavor.
These tiny seeds are packed with soluble and insoluble fiber, which promotes regularity and helps eliminate toxins.
Flaxseeds are very easy to incorporate into your diet. Grind some up and blend them into your next smoothie for an easy way to detoxify your body.
Members of this family are high in glucosinolates, the compound that gives them their bitter flavor and promotes the elimination of toxins. Cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprouts are particularly detoxifying.
Shred some cabbage and broccoli stalks to make a delicious and light coleslaw with a punchy vinaigrette instead of the creamy stuff, which is no good for you.
Free Radical Extermination
Detoxifying your body doesn’t have to be hard. These foods are easy to incorporate into your everyday diet and give you the edge you need to keep your body running smoothly and healthily.
SOURCE: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/liver-cleanse-foods/
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