Vaccine Alternative Homeoprophylaxis to be Explored by Leading Experts
Dr. Issac Golden to Keynote First International Worldwide Choice Conference
While politicians seem eager to pass mandatory vaccination laws to force reluctant parents to comply, alternative health experts propose an alternative way to protect against disease. A first ever conference to explore a homeopathic approach will be held in Dallas the first weekend in October.
This first of its kind, international event is sponsored by Worldwide Choice, an educational organization focused on supporting parents’ right to choose health practices, and providing them information about healthy alternatives to vaccination for disease prevention. It will take place October 2-4, 2015 in Dallas, Texas.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Homeoprophylaxis: A Worldwide Choice.” Ten speakers will examine the functioning of the immune system, vaccine safety studies, historical application/implementation and research from around the world regarding homeoprophylaxis, and more.
Seminar presentations will include Dr. Isaac Golden sharing data from over20 years of homeoprophylaxis research, Andrew Wakefield, MD updating attendees on the latest CDC whistleblower news, and Harry van der Zee, MD sharing uses for homeopathy in epidemics, trauma and developing countries.
Other speakers will explore the role of disease in the developing immune system, how homeoprophylaxis has been utilized in Europe for at least the last 30 years, navigating legal vaccine exemptions, published studies on infant mortality rates associated with vaccination rates, and how parents can make wise choices in the confusing maelstrom of information.
Early registrations are available at a discount. The registration fee includes admission to the lectures and exhibit hall and includes morning and afternoon refreshments. In addition, attendees can purchase tickets to a seated dinner on the evening of October 3, including the presentation of a film about homeopathy around the world.
For a complete schedule of events and registration information, please visit the website:
The sponsors for the event include: The Weston A. Price Foundation, I&EOrganics Apothecary,, Well Being Journal, Holistic Moms Network, Homeopathy World Community, Free and Healthy Children. Exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities are still available, information on
Worldwide Choice is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individual choice for disease prevention by understanding the natural role of the immune system, the impact of immunization practices, supporting parents’ right to choose, and providing the most current information about homeoprophylaxis, a time-honored non-toxic method of disease prevention.
PRESS CONTACT Press passes and interview opportunities are available. Contact: Kimberly Hartke 703.860.2711
Event: 1st International Homeopathic Prophylaxis Conference
Date: October 2-4, 2015
Location: Dallas, Texas
Event Website:
Calendar Listing
The 1st International Homeopathic Prophylaxis Conference, sponsored byWorldwide Choice, will be held October 2-4, in Dallas, Texas. This international event brings together experts on immune health, and information about a natural method to educate the immune system called“homeoprophylaxis.” Register online:
Public Service Announcement
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Do you, or someone you know, question conventional vaccines and want to learn about alternatives for disease prevention? Learn about the non-toxic method called homeoprophylaxis, or “HP” at the 1st InternationalHomeopathic Prophylaxis Conference, an international event sponsored byWorldwide Choice. The event will take place on October 2nd through 4th inDallas, Texas. To register visit: