If You Bought This “Shrinking” Tuna You Might Be Owed $25
Possible bad news and okay news. All in all that equals good news for you. The possible bad news is that if you bought StarKist tuna in the last six years, you may not have gotten the right amount. The okay news is that the potential problem was settled and you might have some extra cash or food vouchers coming your way. Or extra tuna for your cat.
Delish, Country Living and Consumerist are reporting on a recent class action lawsuit against StarKist tuna.
A consumer sued Starkist claiming that the company under-filled its five-ounce cans of tuna, which is against state and federal law. Starkist denies the claim and insists it did nothing wrong, but agreed to settle with the plaintiff, and that means you win in the end.
Country Living continues:
If you bought five-ounce cans of chunk light tuna in water or oil, or solid white tuna in water or oil, between February 19, 2009 and October 31, 2014, you might be eligible for $25 or $50 in vouchers for Starkist products. Overall, Starkist will pay up to $8 million in cash and $4 million in vouchers, so your full payout might be less if too many people sign up.

Image credit: Top Class Actions
Heather Callaghan is an independent researcher, natural health blogger and food freedom activist. You can see her work at NaturalBlaze.com and ActivistPost.com. Like at Facebook.
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