Floral Designer “Recycles The Love” By Delivering Used Bouquets To The Elderly
It’s always a perfect occasion to ‘pay it forward.’
When floral designer Shawn Chamberlain was caring for wildflowers outside of a hospice in Idaho, she noticed a young mother looking through a window. Wishing she could do something to life the young woman’s spirit, Chamberlain quickly bundled up a bouquet and handed it to a nurse, asking her to give it to the women and tell her someone was thinking of her.
So inspired by that random act of kindness, Chamberlain decided to turn the gift of giving to others into a hobby. She now rearranges flowers from weddings into new bouquets and gifts them to patients in hospices, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. It’s what she called “recycling the love,” because being reminded you’re in someone’s thoughts can be incredibly uplifting for many people.
To date, Shawn’s “Full Bloom” project has delivered hundreds of flower arrangements – all anonymously.
As the video [below] shares, she recently scored 27 bouquets from a single wedding.
“That’s 27 patients that are going to have a little sunshine by their beds,” Chamberlain said. “It takes the decorations of a ‘great party’ and turns them into something special again for someone new.”
With a little effort and inspiration, many things can be re-purposed. What a beautiful example Shawn is setting with her project.
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This article Floral Designer “Recycles The Love” By Delivering Used Bouquets To Elderly from TrueActivist.com published here with permission under a Creative Commons license.