Man Who Turned 114 Has Some More Longevity Tips For You
Update: Happy 114th, Bernando!
Last summer, we wrote about the 113-year-old, Bernando LaPallo – the man who truly lives by the creed, you are what you eat. He has outlived his friends, his former critics, two out of his three children, and his wives.
He eschewed french fries for five daily, life-giving foods – some of which included cinnamon, garlic and chocolate. He has drawn sustenance from high amounts of veggies, fruits and fish for most of his life, if not all of it. Now he reveals more about his day.
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Everyone wants to know about his youthful skin – the main reason no one believes him when he states his age. (But it’s also the fact that instead of being in a wheelchair at his Chandler, AZ assisted-living facility, he runs and works out!)
“Baby,” he said to the 12 News anchor, “That’s simple. I’ve been using olive oil since before I can remember.” He doesn’t use expensive creams or supplements. Just olive oil inside and out, making sure to massage it in.
He shared the following smoothie recipe he has used in a blender and consumed daily for 40 years:
- 1 Tbs of Dr. Schulze’s Superfood (for greens and herbs)
- 1 cup of orange juice
- About a cup of fruit salad – pineapple, blueberries, strawberries
- Place in blender, blend and enjoy
He exercises daily. Other interviews show him espousing the power of knowledge which he gains by devouring books everyday. He keeps his brain sharp with games and crossword puzzles.
Unfortunately, for the Brazilian-born LaPallo, his age proclamations are met with many challenges, although he and his family stalwartly defend his current age of 113. As I wrote before, if his family Bible (not acceptable to Guinness World Records) was the incorrect recording of his birth date, then LaPallo would still be an enviable age 103. In other words, he’d be among the several hundred thousand living centenarians instead of the even rarer class of supercentenarians (older than 110).
Only about 1 out of 1,000 centenarians make it past age 110, according to the textbook Supercentenarians. There are only approximately several hundred in the entire world, with only several dozen officially verified – a difficult process for people born long before official registration.
This writer has read multiple past interviews about LaPallo and picked up a pattern. Interviewers mainly want tips and tricks on longevity – we all do! If you’re really listening, though, you’ll note the bigger picture of his healthy life force – the holistic picture. You’ll see that LaPallo is steadfastly although non-specifically, spiritually grounded and wants to share all of it with everyone else to see them live the life they were meant to and avoid an early grave.
“Obedience and moderation,” is how he responds to the most frequently asked question he gets, which is always, what is your biggest secret? Obedience and moderation. Gratitude, happiness to be alive and healthy, and not bothering himself with critics are also detectable themes.
“God willing,” he says on his Facebook page, he will be releasing his third book on birthday number 114 – August 17th.
You can keep up with him on his website: Age Less, Live More. His eBook: Age-Less Live-More; Achieving Health and Vitality at 107 and Beyond. He also has a DVD available at his website.
Sadly, Bernando passed away: Remembering Bernando LaPallo, Supercentenarian Who Passed At Age 114
Image: 12News
Heather Callaghan is an independent researcher, natural health blogger and food freedom activist. You can see her work at and Like at Facebook.
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