Never Say These 4 Things to Parents with a Vaccine-Injured Child
Vaccine injuries are real and affect many thousands of people, including children, every year. You may even know a friend, relative, or co-worker who says their child has been injured as a direct result of being vaccinated.
Children with vaccine injuries often have their quality of life completely destroyed.
Additionally, they require special care and therapies costing many hundreds of thousands of dollars over their life.
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When you come across someone with a vaccine-injured child, make sure you don’t make these four common but insensitive statements:
1. “Serious reactions to vaccines are rare. You have no proof a vaccine did that to your child.”
Be careful using these words. We are not all genetically built the same and each person responds to drugs differently (vaccines are classified as a drug) and each vaccine is made differently.
Additionally, you don’t know what the circumstances were for this child. For example, some children can receive five to seven vaccines in one visit to the pediatrician – and children can be injected with the wrong vaccine.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, adverse reactions to vaccines are not rare. The CDC admits that, “approximately 30,000 VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] reports are filed annually, with 10-15% classified as serious.” [1]
Most parents aren’t aware that a reporting system for vaccine injuries exists if their child has an adverse reaction to a vaccine – but health care professionals, and especially doctors, should.
Of course, doctors can choose to refuse to report vaccine adverse reactions and are not required by law to do so. Even more concerning, less than one percent of adverse reactions to drugs are reported by doctors. [2, 3]
If a parent tells you their child was harmed by vaccines, chances are, they are correct in their assessment.
2. “I’d rather my child have autism than a deadly disease like the measles.”
Be mindful of your tone if you say this to a parent of a vaccine-injured child.
This statement is often said in a passive-aggressive tone to make a parent feel guilty for implying vaccines caused their child’s condition – as if by doing so, the parents somehow loved their child any less. Saying this also displays an incredible lack of situational awareness of what autism is and what a family goes through on a day-to-day basis.
If you say this to a parent, keep one point in mind. Parents of vaccine-injured children once trusted vaccines to be perfectly safe and effective, just like their doctor told them.
These same parents often report behavior changes in their child, such as seizures, loss of language, loss of coordination and cognitive functions, shortly after they have been vaccinated. Many months later, a number of visits to several specialists reveal their child has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Remember, the parents are looking for answers, a doctor gives the diagnosis.
What about the measles, you say?
Can contracting the measles be deadly? Yes – if you are malnourished and live in an underdeveloped country with poor access to nutritious food, clean water, and medical care. No children have died from the measles in the US in over ten years.
The Centers for Disease Control shows death (mortality) by measles was well in decline before a vaccine was introduced in the early 1960s. [4]
If your child contracts the measles, they can expect a fever, cough, runny nose, and red spots on their body. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the recovery period for measles is about two weeks. [5]
Compare the two-week convalescence period for measles (and lifetime immunity) to a lifetime need for special services and extreme challenges for a child (and family) with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
What do I mean by this?
One study found 49 percent of children with an ASD elope, or wander off, and put themselves into harm’s way. [6] Many news reports confirm ASD children excessively wander and get lost [7-13], drown [14-20], or run into traffic. [21, 22]
Children with an ASD are also put into isolation rooms at school [23-28], bullied by their peers [29-34], harmed by special needs staff [35-37], or abused by staff on the school bus [38-43].
Some parents have personally told me that they feel it is more dangerous to have autism than the measles.
3. “At least your child is protected.”
This is a volatile statement and, if you make it, you could find yourself back-peddling very quickly. Here’s why …
You are assuming the vaccine provided some benefit while ignoring the harm it did to the child. It could be viewed as a dismissive, uncaring, and cold attempt to justify a vaccine injury to the parent.
Be aware.
Parents often express righteous anger after learning pharmaceutical companies cannot be held liable for the harm their product caused and there is no way to scientifically prove vaccines guarantee immunity to any disease. [44-51]
4. “You are endangering other children by telling your story.”
Parents with vaccine-injured children are told this often. And, if you decide to say this, recognize you are justifying the means to an end for a one-size-fits-all vaccine program, regardless of the outcome. In other words, you are saying, “Suffer in silence.”
What you may not realize is that is exactly what many parents have already done. It can often take years for a parent to gain the courage to share their painful journey.
These same parents discovered the hard way the dangers of vaccinating are listed in the product inserts and are rarely discussed by medical professionals. [52]
For example, it is well-known in the medical community that live-virus vaccines can cause brain infections called encephalitis. [53] Also, the endangered children often referred to are those who are immunocompromised, such as cancer patients. You should know those recently vaccinated with a live-virus vaccine are advised to stay away from immunocompromised patients, as they could spread the disease through viral shedding. [54, 55]
Fearless parents tell their stories because they want to warn others that vaccinating comes with real risks – a risk many doctors are unwilling to publicly admit.
In fact, the only real danger from parents telling stories about their vaccine-injured children is to vaccine manufacturer profits. [56]
If you find yourself in a conversation with one of these parents, suspend your judgement for a moment and have the patience to listen their story.
Remember to keep your opinions in perspective when addressing a parent with a vaccine-injured child. Their child has paid the ultimate price. They trusted the same doctors that frequently repeat, “Vaccines are safe and effective,” and that, “severe vaccine reactions are one-in-a-million.”
Jeffry John Aufderheide writes for VacTruth, where this article first appeared.