How to Create a Healthier Lifestyle through Holistic Living
When you are sick, you likely reach for a bottle of cough syrup or a decongestant. When you have recurring headaches that aspirin doesn’t relieve, you likely call your doctor to run some tests and get to the bottom of what’s going on. Yet these are not the only ways to deal with sickness or to achieve health.
Many people choose to live a holistic lifestyle to promote health. A holistic approach is one that takes into account the whole person, including the body and the soul, to come up with a remedy. Those who take a holistic approach would look beyond just treating the symptoms of a cough. They would consider what else might be happening in the body to cause the cough and try to treat that, as well. For example, too much stress might be compromising the immune system and causing illness. Or a poor diet might be causing inflammation that leads to illness.
A holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle incorporates many elements, including a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sleep, stress-reduction methods, healthy relationships and more. Many who practice a holistic approach also use home remedies instead of medications that they believe may contain harmful chemicals. These home remedies use herbs, foods and supplements that are believed to have healing properties.
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If you are ready to start exploring whether or not a holistic lifestyle would be right for you, there are a few things you need to do first. You need to research the holistic options you are considering thoroughly. For example, if you are exploring the use of essential oils for treating illness, you’ll need to research what oils are recommended for use and how safe they are. You’ll have to learn how to properly use the oils — in a tincture? a diffuser? — and what the right dosage is.
Next, you’ll need to talk with your doctor or healthcare provider about the safety of any home remedies or holistic approaches you are considering. You’ll need to be specific in your discussions and talk with a provider who has training in that area. For example, if you are considering acupuncture, you’ll need to ask your doctor if it is safe in general and safe for your specific health concerns. Your doctor may say that acupuncture is great for stress reduction but not as a viable weight-loss technique.
Opinions will vary on what is healthy or effective, so you may need to talk with a few providers to gain a comprehensive understanding of your holistic choices. Going to medical staffing agencies like Kelly Services can help put you in touch with a variety of nurse consultants who can give you great feedback. Nurse consultants can also give you ideas for some safe and effective home remedies.
By getting the right professional opinion before proceeding, you can be sure that your move to a holistic lifestyle is the healthy choice. You may be pleasantly surprised at how effective natural remedies can be for promoting your health and making you feel the best you ever have.