Dr. Oz’s New Episode Ends Controversy, Doubles Down on GMO Labeling
By Jefferey Jaxen
Dr. Oz, choosing not to start the fight, has finished it in expert fashion. He opened his much anticipated episode with the statement,
My life’s work has been built around one simple message; you have a right and a responsibility to become a world expert on your own body. And the way you do that is to have access to the best, and most current information, multiple points of view, and diverse opinions.
At this point, the Dr. Oz show went into full investigative journalist mode exposing the underside of GMO lobbying, medical industry fraud, and falsified scientific research. This marks a new, high water mark for the show’s integrity and professionalism. A format that is sure to be a home run in the future if Dr. Oz decides to dip his toe into investigating the medial fraud and corporate collusion. At times feeling like an educational documentary on how the medical profession, scientific literature, and thought are falsely shaped. Mainstream viewers seeing this information for the first time will not forget or forgive anytime soon.
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Following in the footsteps of the alternative community’s instant investigative journalism after the initial attacks on Oz, honorary Dr. Oz show investigative reporter Elizabeth Limy took things further by presenting a compelling report. In the line of fire were all ten doctors. Oz attacker Dr. Henry Miller was clearly shown to be a biotech shill and gun for hire working previously as a key supporter for the tobacco industry in the 90’s. The next target exposed was the “Rent-A-Scientist” group American Council of Science and Health (ACSH) for their work promoting cigarettes, pesticides, and GMO’s while collecting money from all three industries. Ross’s $8 million criminal Medicare fraud and jail time was another easy target for Limy’s report. Rounding out the rest of the attacker’s backgrounds showed more biotech shills and ACSH henchmen.
Also lending to the episode’s integrity were trusted names like Lisa Graves, Executive Director of Sourcewatch.org, Gary Ruskin of U.S. Right to Know, and Scott Faber of the Environmental Working Group, and Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
Fuhrman hit this crocked nail on the head by saying,
It’s ugly, its ugly…number one, they (the attackers) are not representative of the medical profession. Number two, it’s not an attack just against you (Oz), it’s an attack against all physicians, all health professionals…
Fuhrman strikes at the roots by continuing, “It’s very important we recognize this (Oz’s attacks) as being anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-the right to help people in the best way possible.”
Not even the media was safe as Fuhrman correctly chastised mainstream news outlets and reporters stating:
…what the media did to explode it (the attacks) all over the place. It was sloppy and dangerous journalism because they didn’t do their background checks, they didn’t know who these people were, they didn’t understand their agenda, and they reported a lot of things that just we not accurate.
Dr. Oz committed the remaining time to illustrating the draconian reality of The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act calling it “an attack on our free speech.” The “Dark Act” congress is proposing would deny Americans the right to label GMO foods as sixty-four other countries already have done. The future battle ground for this bill is being shaped now by $86 million in big industry lobbying to date.
In closing, Dr. Oz appeared to signal a new era for his show by saying, “I vow to you right here, right now, we will not be silenced, we will not give in.”
Dr. Oz Fires Back Episode
The Dark Act Info
Jeffrey Jaxen is an open source researcher and writer on the front lines of many up and coming alternative health modalities. Jefferey is constantly working behind the scenes to bring them to the mainstream. His mission in life is to teach & empower others to take back their power and heal themselves. As a compelling writer, active health researcher, and creative force his work has been catapulted into the mainstream. Jefferey’s writing has been featured by Natural News, Infowars, Collective-Evolution, Waking Times, Om Times, Natural Blaze, and others. In addition, he has set himself apart with his growing library of unique and original spoken word pieces.