Tag: pesticides

Disturbing Link Discovered Between Popular Weed Killers and Child Brain Dysfunction

By Study Finds Researchers from the University of California-San Diego have found a disturbing connection between exposure to certain herbicides and decreased brain function among teenagers. Herbicides are commonly used chemicals meant to kill unwanted plants and are commonly found in farming, households, and industrial…

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National School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Hormones and Nutrients Revealed

Asheville, NC – Moms Across America announces a nationwide project measuring pesticides, heavy metals, veterinary drugs, hormones and nutrient test results of 43 school lunches gathered from public schools in 15 states in the United States. The initiative was conducted by Moms Across America –…

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Modern Pesticides Leaving Bees’ Brains “buzzed,” Threatening Their Ability to Pollinate

By Study Finds Modern pesticides are leaving bees’ brains “buzzed” warns new research. They damage the vital pollinators’ brains so that they can’t walk in a straight line, say scientists. Exposure to neonicotinoids, the worlds’ most commonly used insecticide, and new generation sulfoximine harms coordination. It’s similar…

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EPA Says Glyphosate and Other Herbicides “are likely to harm more than 1,600 protected plant and animal species”

By B.N. Frank The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a long history of not protecting the environment and Americans from disabling and sometimes deadly chemical toxins. In regard to glyphosate (used in the controversial Roundup weedkiller), it was reported in August that the agency may…

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5G/EMF/RF News Update, Tighter Standards Needed For Humans and Bees: Updates from Italy, Australia, the European Union, and Shacktown

Complied by Patricia Burke In August of 2021, a court in the US ruled that the FCC decision not to review its radio frequency exposure guidelines was “arbitrary, capricious, and not evidence-based.” In October of 2021, the EU ruled that citizen concern about 5G was…

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“Long Overdue”: EPA Bans All Food Uses of Neurotoxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

By Jessica Corbett Public health experts and labor rights advocates celebrated Wednesday after the Biden administration announced that it “will stop the use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on all food to better protect human health, particularly that of children and farmworkers,” following decades of demands…

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As EPA Forced to Finalize New Rules, Report Details Widespread Use of Neurotoxic Pesticide Across US

By Jessica Corbett Two decades after the Environmental Protection Agency ended household use of chlorpyrifos over concerns about its impact on the brains of children, the neurotoxic pesticide is still widely applied to crops across the United States, according to a report published Wednesday. The…

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“Huge Victory”: Federal Appeals Court Orders EPA to Ban All Food Uses of Toxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

By Julia Conley The environmental law organization Earthjustice celebrated a “huge victory” for farmworkers and children on Thursday after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to ban all food uses of a toxic pesticide linked to memory loss and developmental…

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80 Groups Blast US Interference in Mexico’s Phaseout of Glyphosate and GM Corn

By Jessica Corbett A coalition of 80 U.S. agricultural, consumer, environmental, public health, and worker groups sent a letter Thursday to key figures in the Biden administration calling for them to “respect Mexico’s sovereignty and refrain from interfering with its right to enact health-protective policies”—specifically,…

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New Study Finds Undisclosed Ingredients in Roundup Lethal to Bumblebees

By Jenna McGuire Commonly used herbicides across the U.S. contain highly toxic undisclosed “inert” ingredients that are lethal to bumblebees, according to a new study published Friday in the Journal of Applied Ecology. The study reviewed several herbicide products and found that most contained glyphosate,…

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Private Prison Company Poisoned Immigrants at Adelanto for A Decade

Earth Justice After seven months of investigation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final report and an official Notice of Warning to the GEO Group (GEO) for multiple violations in response to their misuse of the toxic pesticide HDQ Neutral inside the Adelanto Detention Facility (Adelanto). The EPA investigation…

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