5 Tips on How to Meditate for Beginners
Meditation is an energy healing art that has great health benefits, but it is often overlooked by most people. Many people tend to shy away from meditation because they think it is awkward. However, once they try it and get involve in a group meditation, many of them will realize that meditation is similar to prayer except that it teaches them to focus their awareness inward.
Meditation is great for relaxing the mind, body, and spirit as well as raising frequency. Some scientists and alternative medicine practitioners believe that when the body’s energy is vibrating at higher frequencies, it is more immune to disease. They believe this because some studies have shown that disease-causing microorganisms have a hard time thriving in this type of body. Furthermore, meditation has been shown to boost the immune system.
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In addition to boosting immunity to fight off harmful microorganisms, many studies have shown that meditation, mindfulness, and deep relaxation can reduce stress, improve cognitive focus, and affect emotions in positive ways.
To increase the health benefits of meditation, you need to learn how to activate your pineal gland and use it to access high frequency energies. For more information on how to do this, read this empowering article titled Accessing High Frequency Energy Using Your Pineal Gland.
Many beginners of meditation often experience a lot of noise in their head, making it hard for them to clear and calm their mind. This experience is very common and is not too hard to fix. Meditation is about relaxing the mind, focusing on the breath, and becoming a conscious observer of the breathing cycle as each breath gently flows in and out of the body to achieve a deeply relaxed state.
If you are new to meditation or are having a hard time meditating, the meditation tips for beginners below will help you clear your mind, making it easier for you to achieve a deeply relaxed state of mind.
Meditation tips for beginners #1: Scan your body
Your mind is always thinking and being distracted by all sorts of messages, so clearing and relaxing your mind can be a huge challenge. One trick to shed the mental side-talk is to scan your body in unison with your breath.
Start by focusing your attention on your toes and silently telling them to relax. Then, repeat this process until you have scanned every part of your body from your legs and abdomen to your fingers, arms, heart, and head. By the time you get through giving attention to your entire body, you will be surprised to find how relaxed you are.
Meditation tips for beginners #2: Mantras
The word “mantra” derives from two root words in Sankrit, “man” which means “mind” and “tra” which means “instrument.” A mantra then is when someone creates some type of repetitive sound or vibration, either with their own voice or an instrument to sooth and calm their mind.
Most people are familiar with the word “om” which is often used as a mantra. But there are many others too. The key is to repeat the sound or word over and over and feel its vibration and sound course through your body.
Meditation tips for beginners #3: Peaceful music
The vibration and sound of peaceful music can help relax your mind, making it easier for you to achieve a meditative state. The trick is to select music that is soothing and dreamy and preferably something without words. If you prefer having words in the peaceful music, words with soft and soothing tones are recommended.
Also, the volume should be low enough that it is not all-consuming but more in the backdrop of things. Furthermore, make sure that the music does not end or change significantly while you are still meditating.
Meditation tips for beginners #4: Imagery
When you see or think of an alarming image, your body is flooded with the stress hormone, cortisol, and becomes alert and on edge. The flip side of this phenomenon is that by focusing on calming and peaceful images, your body can tap into your inner stillness, thereby setting you up for relaxation and meditation. These types of images are very powerful for harmonizing the energy of the mind and body.
Practice makes perfect when it comes to meditation, so the more you do it, the more it will become easier to transition into a meditative state of awareness. Also, try to meditate on a regular basis so that your body becomes use to it. One thing you should always do before meditating is to make sure you are comfortable. If you are not comfortable, you are making it much harder to relax your mind to a state of inner peace.
Meditation tips for beginners #5: Focus your awareness on your brain and heart
When most people meditate, they tend to only focus their awareness towards their brains. When people do that, they are missing a very important element of the meditation process. Besides your brain, your heart is also very important for helping you to achieve a state of inner peace.
One of the most effective methods for helping you to achieve a state of mindfulness is by focusing your awareness on your brain first. After that, slow the activities of your brain by relaxing your mind and clearing it of distracting thoughts. Once you have achieved this, bring your awareness down to your heart and relax your heart, so that your brain and heart are working in unison.
Focusing your awareness on a specific part of your body for a few minutes or longer can be hard sometimes. If you find out that you are having a hard time focusing your awareness, use these 5 techniques to help strengthen your spiritual awareness.
About the Author
PL Chang is the author and founder of EnergyFanatics.com and OmniThought.org, two informative blogs dedicated to exploring esoteric information about energy, health, conscious living, spiritual science, conspiracy, and exotic “free energy” technology. He is also the author of two books titled Staradigm: A Blueprint for Spiritual Growth, Happiness, Success and Well-Being and 40 Enlightening Tips to Increase and Balance Your Energy.
This article appeared at The Mind Unleashed
Be sure to check out our Jeffrey Green’s “Easy Way to Meditate for Health and Wealth” for the best way to begin meditating now!
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