How to Reclaim Your Mind

By Jefferey Jaxen

This is an important piece for those that wish to begin walking their true path in life. Many, including myself, fall victim to advertising, propaganda, and poor food choices that all cloud our true thoughts and beliefs. There are many systems in place to gently steer the way we think until we find ourselves living a life that we are not happy with.

“We can judge our health by our happiness, and by our happiness we know that we’re obeying the dictates of our Souls.” – Edward Bach

The reason I used the words “true path” is that we are all here to experience certain things and learn from them. When one is on the true path, the lessons are not as difficult, nor are they often missed. This leads to faster progression, happiness, and a more fulfilling life. It is only when we have lost our way through false beliefs that we didn’t choose and foggy thinking that clouds decisions that we miss opportunity and eventually lead lives with more unhappiness. Oftentimes, having to repeat lessons over and over until we finally get it right and learn from them.

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“Everything happens for a reason. Everything leads to something better.” – Dr. Richard Alan Miller

The art of reclaiming your mind can be split into parts: what goes in and what comes out. When these components are aligned, reclaimed, and optimized, you are truly living from free will and your life will change for the better.


This is meant to be your own personal cheat sheet to help you focus on key areas. First and foremost, stop eating gluten! It’s no longer difficult to avoid it. The market has listened to customer demand and products are abundant to seamlessly substitute your current gluten intake. Remember, not everyone has celiac disease, but everyone’s brain is effected by gluten. The book Wheat Belly by William Davis M.D., is a great place to start. While we are on the topic of diet, David Wolf’s book The Sunfood Diet is a further step in the progression towards detox and clarity. In it, he advocates a food triangle in which the corners represent chlorophyll (organic, non-GMO green leafy vegetables), fats (organic, non-GMO fatty fruits, nuts, seeds, coconuts), and sugars (organic non-GMO sweet fruits) all at a ratio of 33%. No mind clearing nutritional regime would be complete without addressing a fluoride detox program. To date, the best supplements out there appears to be Zeotex and Fluoride Shield. Although each should do their own further research. If you would like to stick with a whole food approach, this article link from TrueActivist.comcovers it all. Given the lack of integrity of pro-GMO companies and some disastrousresearch being released, I would suggest avoiding all GMO foods, period.

“Your food determines in a large measure how long you shall live – how much you shall enjoy life – and how successful your life shall be.” – Dr. Kirschner


Many of our beliefs were formed as children before we had a say in the matter. In addition, many of our early beliefs are no long applicable, or even functional, towards meeting our current needs and lifestyle directions. Regardless of what we believe, we will find a way to create consistency between our life and beliefs. For this reason, beliefs, for the believer, are always true. The brain is a powerful, goal seeking mechanism that will make anything we believe in come true. Or it will, at least, make it appear to be true which amounts to the same thing as far as our life experiences are concerned. Challenge your beliefs! Do not accept results that you don’t seek created by beliefs you did not choose. Face one fear or uncomfortable situation daily. Leaning to meditate makes us more consciously aware of what we are creating. The practice of meditation also has the benefit on mitigating the effects of the recent increase in solar flares impacting our mental, emotional, and physical bodies. According to Dr. Simon Atkins, this increase will be seen for the next 18 months. A float tank will fast track your meditation technique and is on record for the ability tounlock the creative centers of the brain, alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, and enhance the ability to stay focused and concentrate.

“The middle of the road is where the white line is – and that’s the worst place to drive.” – Robert Frost

Kill Your TV

There is no question this one is a major action step to reclaiming your mind. Watching television almost instantly switches your brainwaves into the alpha state (tranquility, relaxation, pleasure, suggestibility etc.). Is it any wonder that it’s called programming? Themind has no firewall security and is wide open. Watch a child as they begin to gaze upon the television. Their blinking becomes lessened, mouth drops open, body posture “melts” and they become unresponsive to outside influences such as having their name called. High definition television only amplifies this effect. If you watch TV, I suggest you stay away from the HD channels, mainstream media, and political speeches.

“I find television very educating. Every time someone turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx


This is a debated topic and I will only be focusing on what are referred to as adjuvants. Adjuvants are chemicals that are added to the vaccines. Although I could focus on any one of a slew of toxic contaminants (adjuvants) found within each shot, mercury (thimerosal) and aluminum are in the cross hairs for this section. Mercury is toxic to the human body, period. It is a fact that it kills/degenerates brain neurons. Aluminum, is again toxic to the body but also makes the immune system overreact, sometimes for up to two years. The body had numerous filtering systems to protect toxic or poisonous substances from entering the bloodstream. If something toxic is eaten, it is typically eliminated or substantially weakened before it finally reaches the blood/circulatory system. However, with vaccines, that process is sidestepped by injecting the toxin directly into the bloodstream. This allows it free reign to cause damage to the areas it comes in contact with such as brain neurons. Don’t just take my word for it, the United States Postal Service classifies mercury as a class 8 hazard under section 348.21 Nonmailable Corrosives. For a comprehensive look at the entire topic of vaccines, please see the work of Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Russul Blaylock, and Dr. Andrew Wakefeild.

“The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective. – Leonard Horowitz

About the Author

Jefferey Jaxen is a staff writer for and an open source researcher and writer. In addition he serves as director of alternative & holistic health for the Awake & Empowered Expo. You can find his latest research, information, and work at the following websites: & Follow him on Twitter at or contact him directly at

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