70+? Here Are 3 Key Supplements You Need to Take
by Dr. K.J. McLaughlin
If you are over 70 years of age and in otherwise good health, what nutritional supplements should you think about taking?
Well, this can be a very difficult question to answer because it really depends upon your current diet, levels of physical activity, and disease risk factors. However, there are several specific nutrients which, in my opinion, are helpful for people over the age of 70.
1. Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps keep your bones strong by allowing the calcium you eat to be absorbed by the bone cells. Vitamin D has also been implicated in the prevention of various types of cancers and heart disease.
I recommend taking 400-800 IU per day with food.
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2. Fish Oil
As most people do not eat enough oily fish during the week and the research clearly indicates that the increased consumption of these fats can lower the risks of developing chronic disease, it’s great insurance to take a daily supplement containing a high-potency omega-3.
I recommend taking 1000 mg of omega-3 three times per day with food.
3. Coenzyme Q10
As we age, the furnaces in our cells which produce this energy, known as the mitochondria, become less efficient at producing this energy. Although food contains the necessary nutrients for our bodies to make Co-Q10, as we age, this need is not met.
Certain commonly used drugs can also deplete the levels of Co-Q10 to dangerously low levels. Co-Q10 is an important fat-soluble antioxidant which can fight free radicals and help decrease damage caused to our hearts, brains and blood vessels from inflammation.
The use of Co-Q10 is particularly helpful in keeping the heart muscle strong and capable of working more efficiently.
I recommend taking at least 100 mg of Co-Q10 daily with food in an oil-based capsule.
Source(s) for Today’s Article:
- Shilov, A.M., et al., “[Prophylaxis of ischemic heart lesions during chronic heart failure with complex therapy using Q10 coenzyme].” Anesteziol Reanimatol. March-April 2011; (2): 34-8.
Dr. K.J.McLaughlin is a chiropractor with 27 years of clinical experience. In addition, he has degrees in physical education, nutrition and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist with an interest in anti-aging medicine. He has also spent time studying health promotion and the effect that health education has upon health outcomes.
Dr. McLaughlin has a diverse professional background which has involved clinical management, teaching, health promotion and health coaching and brings a unique passion to his work.