Animal Adult Coloring Book Giveaway on Natural Blaze!
You’ve been good all year and we want to thank you for your readership. But while you’ve done all your holiday shopping – when’s the last time you allowed yourself some extremely relaxing fun? It’s time for a chance to treat yourself this season!
Coloring for adults is not just a trend sweeping the nation – it is among the very best meditative, imaginative and relaxing pursuits during times of stress and healing. It allows immediate cool down from anxiety and works on different areas of the brain to both focus and let go of the “monkey mind,” letting the world fade away for a time. It is not about the destination or “having a point” – coloring is the point!
Psychologists everywhere are recommending it as the best de-stressing technique. It’s a part of the “concept of play” and helps drop self-consciousness. Dr. Ben Michaelis, author of Your Next Big Thing recommends coloring as the best alternative to meditation. How easy is that? This past summer, coloring books for adults were among the top 6 out of 20 bestselling books.
You a have a few days to enter and win this adult coloring book giveaway so act now – it’s so easy! Simply use your email or Facebook to login and get multiple entries per day. It’s 90+ pages and features 40 beautiful and unique animal depictions. It probably won’t reach the winner by Christmas but here’s hoping it makes a nice after-holiday present for someone special – that could be you!
We want to truly thank you for another great year and wish to sprinkle more good tidings like this – bigger tidings – in 2016. Oh, the places we will go!
Happy Holidays to you – good luck!!
PS – This is what you’re trying to win: