Tag: technology

Pacemakers Could Soon Be Powered by Our Heartbeats Rather Than Batteries

By Elias Marat A breakthrough in medical science could soon change the lives of millions of people who rely on life-saving implantable devices like pacemakers, while also paving the way for tiny, self-charging implants that could revolutionize how technology can transform the human body. Researchers…

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American Heart Association is Silent on Heart Cancer and Irregular Heart Rate Risks from Cell phones, Cell towers, and Wireless Radiation. Why? AT&T and IBM Sit on the Advisory Board

By Nina Beety The American Heart Association’s mission statement is To build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Yet, AHA fails to warn the public about serious, life-threatening cardiac impacts from wireless radiation exposure. These risks include heart rhythm disturbances, heart tumors, cardiac…

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The Best Way To Educate Politicians And Government Agencies About Wi-Fi, EMF Frequencies And The Adverse Health Effects Accruing From Them

By Catherine J. Frompovich Slowly, but surely, many high tech consumers are coming to the rough realization that the very devices they have fallen in love with and depend upon, i.e., iPhones, smart phones, and other products that use microwaves to send and receive voice,…

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