Tag: technology

Medical, Disabilities And Discrimination Claims Can Be Filed Against States PUCs And Utilities

By Catherine J. Frompovich According to Electrosmog Prevention, “Accommodations may be requested of the PUC or utility for qualifying disabilities or medical conditions [regarding EMFs/RFs radiation from AMI Smart Meters]. A discrimination complaint may be filed if accommodations aren’t met.” [1] Furthermore, Each state and…

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Are State Public Utility Commissions Acting In The Public’s Interest Or Are Felonies Involved?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Independent EMF/AMI Smart Meter researcher Warren Woodward of Sedona, Arizona, is one heck of an activist, in my opinion. Personally, I wish there were thousands like Warren! Recently, Warren emailed some rather disconcerting information regarding “The recent indictment of former Arizona…

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Shocking Study Shows Mere Presence of Smartphone Reduces Brain Power — Even When It’s Off

By Matt Agorist Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin recently completed a comprehensive study illustrating the effects of smartphones on the human brain. What they found was that ‘smart’ phones actually make us dumb. According to the study, Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of…

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Facts About Current Safety Standards For Cell Phone And Towers

By Catherine J. Frompovich Dr. Martin Blank, PhD, a contributor to the Bioinitiative Report, discusses the health hazards associated with exposures—especially prolonged exposures—to microwaves and their non-thermal radiation waves. Here is a 9+ minute video of Dr. Martin Blank’s discussion on the matter. https://youtu.be/a6wLFeIrCtU? Dr….

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AMI Smart Meters Are The Number One Health Hazard; Next Is Cell Phones, Per Medical Research Science

By Catherine J. Frompovich Utility companies—electric, natural gas and water—have retrofitted AMI Smart Meters, which are devastating human health. Here is a video, which describes and details what’s going on from AMI Smart Meters. https://youtu.be/MpB1E92kk1M? This video is the most comprehensive video (2 hrs 30…

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Data Indicates Cell Phones Expose Consumers To Radiation Levels Higher Than Manufacturers Claim, Says The French Government

By Catherine J. Frompovich The Environmental Health Trust published “Cell Phone Radiation Scandal: More Exposure Than Manufacturers Claim ‘PhoneGate’ In France, government data release reveals 9 out of 10 phones tested exceed regulatory limits” [1]. The French ANFR published online on June 1, 2017, a…

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