Tag: smart meters

U.S. Senate Members Awaken To The Dumbness Posed By Smart Meter Technologies

By Catherine Frompovich Throughout the land and in lockstep with the United Nations and Agenda 21 [1, 2], AMI smart meters are being retrofitted on to utility customers’ services for electricity, natural gas, and water. https://youtu.be/bjiPaeKH7YA?t=75  [do_widget id=text-16] Not only are AMI smart meters dangerously…

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Victoria, Australia Smart Meters Health Damages Case Study Published and What to Know to Protect Yourself

By Catherine J Frompovich Since public utility companies everywhere and states public utility commissions in the USA are behind the times and not up to date with regard to electromagnetic hypersensitivity issues stemming from microwave technologies, perhaps utility customers could email this article to them….

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Are Smart Meters In The Same Category As Flint, Michigan’s Leaded Water? Deliberate Crimes Against Humanity

By Catherine J. Frompovich In the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, area there’s a tremendous show of support and solidarity for the people of Flint, Michigan, being forced to drink tap water that was contained with lead (Pb) for a year, perhaps more. Several Philadelphians have taken it…

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AMI Smart Meter Testing Video Disputes Safety Claims For Smart Meter EMFs

By Catherine J. Frompovich All around the USA, Canada, the EU and other countries, utility companies are employing “no-option enforcements,” along with threats of disconnecting and interruption of utility services, for refusing retrofitting safe analog meters for electric, natural gas and water utilities with EMF-RF-microwave-emitting,…

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Dr. Barrie Trower Talks About Microwaves: What You Should Know

By Catherine J. Frompovich World-renowned microwave expert Dr. Barrie Trower discusses microwaves in this 36 minute, 2012 YouTube interview. (Video Link) Here are some approximate timelines to note while viewing this extraordinarily candid discussion about the technology (microwave electromagnetic frequencies) that everyone thinks is innocuous…

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Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity from Microwave Technology Finally Medically Proven

By Catherine J. Frompovich Finally, there’s documented medical proof that electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a real-time health issue that actually can be verified using standard medical procedures and testing capabilities. An international group of researchers aced it when they published their findings from the clinical study…

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Utility Companies Sending Possible Carcinogens into People’s Homes

by Catherine J. Frompovich Pennsylvania Smart Meter Awareness (PASMA) just issued a second Press Release, in as many days, regarding astounding information from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency on Research for Cancer (IARC) regarding the radiofrequency radiation that AMI Smart Meters…

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