Microwaves, Cell Phone, Smart Meters Emit Waves That Cause Health Problems

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By Catherine J Frompovich

The more we learn about microwave technology, the more questionable it should become as to why we even should be so enamored with it. The latest thing we have to thank cell phone microwaves for is their ability to accelerate the release of mercury in dental amalgam (silver) fillings! Don’t believe that? Well, here’s  a published paper that says so.

In the Abstract of that paper, this is stated:

It appears that MRI and microwave radiation emitted from mobile phones significantly release mercury from dental amalgam restoration. Further research is needed to clarify whether other common sources of electromagnetic field exposure may cause alterations in dental amalgam and accelerate the release of mercury.

What other common sources of electromagnetic field exposures can they be referring to?
There are Smart Meters for electric, natural gas and water customers. And then there’s
Wi-Fi commonly found in restaurants, public places and classrooms in the USA—although many countries now are taking Wi-Fi out of schools, exercising the “Precautionary Principle.”

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Can you imagine your cell phone is affecting your teeth and brain by releasing mercury from the fillings in your teeth! Mercury is a neurotoxin! Here’s an excellent overview about that, which ought to make every cell phone user think twice, I’d say.

However, there is much more health damage, known medically as “Non-thermal” adverse effects, from microwave technologies than consumers realize or know.

Kids, in particular, are affected more adversely than adults not only from their cell phones but the Wi-Fi routers they are exposed to while sitting in their classrooms. One young man in Massachusetts can’t go to school because of the problems he suffers from classroom Wi-Fi, so his parents have initiated a lawsuit to get relief.

Pennsylvania Smart Meter Awareness * PASMA recently issued a Press Release, “Microwave Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Lawsuit Going to Trial,” which I’d like to share with my readers.

Why? Because your kids may be complaining of headaches, nausea and dizziness while in school—or even at home if you’ve recently had an AMI Smart Meter retrofitted on to your house—and now you can do something about getting help and relief.

Here’s that PASMA Press Release.


Why are parents of a twelve-year-old junior boarding school student filing a lawsuit against the Fay School in Smithboro, Massachusetts, regarding their son’s inability to cope with adverse health effects from Wi-Fi microwaves that cause dizziness, headaches and other adverse health effects in class due to the school’s Wi-Fi?

Any technology that uses microwaves to receive and transmit data or information, such as Smart Meters, cell phones and towers, and Wi-Fi, emit electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), also known as non-ionizing radiation (NIR) or radiofrequencies (RFs).

The lawsuit cites medical experts who confirm the student’s EHS symptoms, which the medical community and the microwave industry won’t recognize as valid health problems, despite the World Health Organization’s declaring electromagnetic hypersensitivity a real health concern.

Available data suggest that RF radiation should be considered “a carcinogenic risk,” a position taken in an internal 1990 US EPA document…when there was much less evidence of the potential harmfulness of EMF radiation. Env. Health Perspectives 105(s) Dec 1997

There are more than 60 major studies declaring the dangers of EMF.
Dept. Natural Resources Engineering NZ 1997

If miscarriage risk, sleep disruption, children’s performance impairment, and chronic fatigue is to be reduced, the limit should be <0.01μW/cm2 Dept. Natural Resources Engineering NZ 1997

18 studies of childhood cancer conducted. Residential exposures to EMF have been—There is a preponderance of positive results, more than one would expect by chance. Cancer Causes Control 5:299-309, 1994

When all studies are pooled, the average risk for leukemia, lymphoma and nervous system tumors are statistically significant. Cancer Causes Control 5:299-309, 1994

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How does one reduce exposure to EMFs/RFs? There are two main ways: 1) Changing one’s personal habits regarding use plus proximity; and 2) the microwave industry must be made to situate their transmitters [and even routers] at greater distances from people.

Regarding Smart Meters for electric, natural gas and water customers, they should be abolished by law due to the inordinate amount of “dirty electricity” Smart Meters send onto the electrical wiring of a house or apartment where people are exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of Hz rather than the normal 50 to 60 Hz that should come into residences.

Since the Fay School was not able to work out an agreement, the parents decided on further legal action. As a result of a dosimeter’s reading of classroom Wi-Fi emissions, it was confirmed that the boy’s adverse health conditions worsened when the Wi-Fi signals were strongest and lessened when Wi-Fi signals weakened.

A Massachusetts court will hear the case in August 2016. No child in school or at home should be expected to be—or actually be—exposed to EMFs/RFs because there are short- and long-range serious health consequences involved. Furthermore, EHS sensitivity has been documented scientifically with standard medical tests!

Professor Dominique Belpomme, MD, (Paris Descartes University) says, “EHS is not a psychiatric disease.” Furthermore, there’s a battery of medical tests to diagnose hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves. Belpomme’s study results are being published in the scientific journal Reviews on Environmental Health. The study results show abnormalities in blood and urine testing, plus Doppler ultrasound to the brain show abnormal blood flow in the brain. Additionally, Doctor/Professor Belpomme’s work indicates an inflammatory process within the brain called neuroinflammation induced by electromagnetic fields such as microwaves EMFs/RFs. Dr. Belpomme states that no psychiatric or psychosomatic illnesses are involved in EHS, since high levels of nitrotyrosine (28% of cases) and histamine (40% of cases) present biochemical evidence.

PASMA respectfully suggests and requests that the PA PUC and the PA legislature immediately come up to speed on the detrimental health effects of microwave pollution known as “Non-thermal” adverse health effects which all Pennsylvanians, who have Smart Meters in their homes, are subjected to, along with universal Wi-Fi exposure at all levels of education in the Commonwealth.

Image: Dees Illustration

Based upon the above medical science, PASMA expects those Massachusetts parents ought to prevail at law and in court, especially if the microwave/Wi-Fi lobbyists are kept at bay and away from seeding 50 to 60 year-old inaccurate information, plus calling in chips from the “old boy network.”

This article (Microwaves, Cell Phone, Smart Meters Emit Waves That Cause Health Problems) can be republished  under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Catherine J. Frompovich and Natural Blaze.com, keeping all links intact.

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

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