Tag: Matt Agorist

Big Pharma Caught Bribing Family Doctors to Prescribe Drug 50X Stronger than Heroin

By Matt Agorist New Jersey — A scathing investigative report from NJ.com has revealed some startling and damning facts about the exponential increase in fentanyl overdoses and the rate at which family practitioners prescribed it. In the center of the equation are pharmaceutical companies who’ve been…

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Shocking Study Shows Mere Presence of Smartphone Reduces Brain Power — Even When It’s Off

By Matt Agorist Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin recently completed a comprehensive study illustrating the effects of smartphones on the human brain. What they found was that ‘smart’ phones actually make us dumb. According to the study, Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of…

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25-Year-Old Student Discovers Way to Kill Superbugs WITHOUT Antibiotics — Science Freaks Out

By Matt Agorist “There is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and, by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug (antibiotics), make them resistant,” Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered penicillin, cautioned at the acceptance of his Noble Prize…

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Wake Up Call — Bumble Bee Just Proposed for U.S. Endangered Species Status

By Matt Agorist Earlier this month, mosquito eradication efforts in South Carolina, gone horribly wrong, resulted in almost total devastation to the indigenous bee populations. The pesticide used to target the Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti species of mosquito, which can carry and transmit the…

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National Guard, DEA, State Police Raid 81-yo Cancer Patient’s Organic Garden to “Protect” You

By Matt Agorist Edgartown, MA — In a gross display of wasted taxpayer dollars, dozens of Massachusetts National Guard personnel, operating under a grant from the DEA, alongside Massachusetts State Police, descended into the backyard of an 81-year-old cancer patient in a raid [late July] —…

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Study: One Quarter of All Americans Take a Drug Every Week that Kills their Empathy

By Matt Agorist Touted as a risk-free pain reliever, Tylenol sends as many as 78,000 people to the emergency room annually and results in 33,000 hospitalizations a year, according to federal data. The active ingredient in Tylenol, acetaminophen is also the leading cause of acute liver failure,…

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