Tag: cdc

CDC’s Flagrant Refusal of a Court Subpoena: Nothing New Regarding Vaccine Cover Up Fraud

By Catherine J Frompovich “On Sept. 22, in a letter from CDC Director Thomas Freiden, [Frieden] CDC denied Smith’s request. Smith explained that ‘this denial was a disappointment but not a surprise, since the inescapable implication of Dr. Thompson’s testimony is that the agency fraudulently…

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CDC Requests Your Comments Regarding the MMR and the MMRV Vaccines; Let’s Give Our All to Them Now!

By Catherine J Frompovich Immediately upon the ‘heels’ of the closed comment period for the CDC’s Proposed Rulemaking regarding its power grab on communicable diseases and quarantines, including forced vaccinations, etc., (see my article about that) the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…

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An EPIC Rulemaking Comment Period Regarding the CDC’s Power Grab Ends October 14, 2016 – What Is Your Position About Its Infringements Upon Your Health?

By Catherine J. Frompovich As I write this overview regarding the CDC’s proposed draconian rulemaking that will deny our health freedoms and also establish what probably will become a public health gestapo in the USA, plus mandatory health treatments including forced vaccinations, quarantines, and fines…

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Less Than A Week To Go: Did You Send Your Comment to the CDC?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Since I’ve been writing about the unfortunate all-encompassing-health-freedoms-denial and full-force-of-law-power-grab the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has promulgated for itself in its Rulemaking published in the Federal Register, I’ve received emails both thanking and encouraging me to write…

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Part 3: What’s REALLY At Stake With the Proposed CDC Rulemaking That Has An Open Comment Period Until October 14, 2016?

By Catherine J Frompovich October 14, 2016 is the final date for filing your comments about the CDC’s new proposed rulemaking that will impact you and your loved one’s health in ways you cannot comprehend because they are so outlandishly unbelievable that a U.S. government…

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Part 2: What’s At Stake With the Proposed CDC Rulemaking That Has An Open Comment Period Until October 14, 2016?

By Catherine J Frompovich This is Edition No.  2 of “What’s at stake with the proposed CDC Rulemaking” in which I want to prompt readers that the comment period for the totally outrageous ‘rules’ the CDC has published in the Federal Register for U.S. citizens…

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The Federal EEOC – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Sues Hospital Over Employees REFUSING Flu Shots: Alleges RELIGIOUS Discrimination

By Catherine J. Frompovich Finally someone has stepped up to the plate and hit a homerun regarding constitutional rights and the current vaccine police state we live in. But, the most interesting aspect about all this is: Who is the actor hitting the homerun? It’s…

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What’s At Stake With The Proposed CDC Rulemaking That Has An Open Comment Period Until October 14, 2016?

By Catherine J Frompovich If readers aren’t aware already, hopefully, this article will get you thinking, talking and commenting about the proposed rulemaking the CDC wants to implement, which will take away an individual’s basic human rights, plus the right to Informed Consent regarding healthcare,…

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The “Spider’s Web” of Controlling Factors 2016: Understanding the CDC’s Power-grab Proposed Rule on Communicable Diseases

By Catherine J. Frompovich October 14, 2016 is a critically important date for all U.S. citizens who value their perception of being a “free American,” and an individual who possesses Constitutional rights and does not live in a totalitarian police state. That is the date…

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ALERT U.S. CDC Giving Itself Unconstitutional POWERS to Round Up and Detain Citizens En Masse Anytime, Anywhere And Throw Away the Key

By Catherine J Frompovich The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention literally has overstepped its authority in proposing to grant itself powers that obviously negate any rights U.S. citizens thought they had by issuing the Proposed Rule “Control of Communicable Diseases” on August 15,…

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