Thousands Descend Upon CDC Atlanta Headquarters Demanding End To Corruption
William E. Gladstone once said, “Justice delayed is justice denied.” Martin Luther King, Jr. later used a form of this quote in his letter from the Birminghan Jail written to fellow clergy who opposed his actions in Birminghan and his beliefs regarding what non-violent action meant and why it was important. Approaching rapidly in modern-day Atlanta, Georgia the people are taking to the streets with their demands in the spirit of great leaders and movements past.
Instead of ignoring, marginalizing and targeting specific ethnicities or religious beliefs, an overreaching medical industrial complex is waging war on us all with impunity. This war is being financially led by pharmaceutical companies posing as humanitarian saviors for their bastardized version of a for-profit sick-care paradigm. Using the healthcare system, politicians lobbied to infinity and the corporate-funded mainstream media, this collective war has served only to unite communities around the world where many historically significant and socially conscious movements in the past have fallen short.
Such unity can be witnessed at The Protest and Summit for Truth Transparency descending upon the Atlanta headquarters of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this October 14 – 16. Converging on this location [1600 Clifton Road], for the second year in a row, will be a critical mass of individuals from all walks of life demanding health freedom and a congressional subpoena of CDC senior scientist Dr. William Thompson.
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Dr. Thompson came forward in 2014 with damning admissions of high-level research fraud perpetrated by himself and his co-authors during their landmark CDC study on the link between the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine and incidents of autism. After a year of ignoring sustained pleas from the public and congress to subpoena Dr. Thompson, filmmakers released Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe in 2016 which served to mainstream the discussion around CDC corruption, the safety of vaccines, media censorship, lack of trust in government oversight and the suffocating pharmaceutical control of American healthcare.
Of particular focus were the admissions from Dr. Thompson concerning a 240% increase inthe incidents of autism in black boys which has served to activate and further unite a black community already standing in solidarity. Leading the march upon the CDC starting this Friday at 7:00 AM, coinciding with the 21st Anniversary of the Million Man March, will be the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Student Minister Tony Muhammad and the Nation of Islam. Following the march, a free showing of the documentary Vaxxed will start at 7:00 PM (doors at 6:00 PM) at the Sheraton Hotel located at 165 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303.
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Labeled a “troubled agency” and a “cesspool of corruption” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on record during testimony in the Vermont Statehouse, the CDC’s deeply rooted and thorough malfeasance has brought these events upon themselves. There is little empathy for this collective government agency who has ignored sustained public demands, obfuscated data and research and shielded criminals (by their own admissions and actions).
The crimes of the CDC, and historically by the pharmaceutical industry, are being laid bare as individuals and families refuse to sit by idle while unjust laws are foisted upon them. Forcing dangerous, for-profit medical procedures [vaccines] with impunity upon the people, against their will, is quickly leading to the fall of the corporate and governmental institutions that sponsor such actions. Fredrick Douglas said “Power concedes nothing except by a demand.” California’s Senate bill 277 initiated the forced shots heard around the world. There are no longer safe sidelines to find comfort on. Consciousness is calling and the sustained demands by the American people standing in solidarity and holding fast to a moral imperative are answering its call.
”Revolution is rebellion become conscious of its aims. Revolution is social when it strives for a fundamental change.” –Alexander Burkman ‘The Idea is the Thing’
This article ( Thousands Descend Upon CDC Atlanta Headquarters Demanding End To Corruption) was originally created by Jefferey Jaxen and published on and appears here with permission under this Creative Commons license.
Jefferey Jaxen is an independent journalist, writer, and researcher. Focusing on personal empowerment and alternative health, his workreveals a sharp eye to capture the moment in these rapidly changing times. Check out hisYouTube. Like on Facebook and Tweet to Jefferey.