Tag: Catherine-Frompovich

Revolution for Truth, Washington, DC The National Call-in-Day In Support Of Vaccine Safety And Reform On March 30-31, 2017

By Catherine J Frompovich As a consumer health issues researcher since the late 1970s, vaccines and health damages they impact and inflict upon innocent infants, toddlers and teens have been on my research radar screen since the late 1980s.  That’s when the physicians’ offices, in…

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Seventeen Ohio Cities File Lawsuit To Stop 5G Cell Towers Everywhere

By Catherine J Frompovich Hats off and plaudits to the mayors and managers of the following Ohio cities: Bexley, Canal Winchester, Columbus, Dublin, Delaware, Gahanna, Grandview Heights, Grove City, Hilliard, New Albany, Pickerington, Powell, Reynoldsburg, Upper Arlington, Westerville, Whitehall and Worthington for the legal actions…

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Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Study Subjects Needed By University Research Team

  By Catherine J Frompovich Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) or idiopathy environmental intolerance (IEI) results from exposure to electromagnetic waves (EMF/RF/ELF) due to the overwhelming explosion of ‘smart’ technology appliances and gadgets which use either microwaves or some other wave on the electromagnetic spectrum. Source [do_widget…

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An Open Letter to World Health Organization’s EMF Project Requesting Non-thermal Radiation Adverse Health Effects Be Recognized and Conflicts of Interest Purged from the Evaluation Working Group

By Catherine J. Frompovich Humans are living in a sea of electromagnetic radiofrequencies, some of which are not recognized for the health harms they cause. The very agency that should be at the forefront of setting safety standards, the World Health Organization Working Group on…

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Smart Meters Can Overbill By Up To 582 Percent Higher Than Actual Consumption, Study Reveals

By Catherine J. Frompovich March 3, 2017, Science Daily reported about overcharges new electronic ‘energy meters’—aka “smart meters”—are capable of pulling off due to false readings, as per a report of what’s been happening in Dutch households in The Netherlands. The study was undertaken at…

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PA Senate Bill SB 217 Takes Away Parents’ Right To Object To Toxic Vaccinations

By Catherine J. Frompovich, Consumer Health Researcher Pennsylvanians are facing a horrendous loss of freedom of healthcare choices together with interference in their constitutional rights relative to valid informed consent and the right to self-determination regarding vaccines/vaccinations, plus the deliberate and mandatory imposition of fraudulent vaccine…

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Pennsylvania’s ‘Swamp’ in Harrisburg’s State Agency, the PA PUC

By Catherine J. Frompovich As PASMA (Pennsylvania Smart Meter Awareness) has been hearing, there are some very vocal concerns from obviously outraged Pennsylvanians regarding the totally illegal enforcement of radiation-emitting AMI Smart Meters on to customers’ electric, natural gas and water utility services. Where is…

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