Revolution for Truth, Washington, DC The National Call-in-Day In Support Of Vaccine Safety And Reform On March 30-31, 2017
As a consumer health issues researcher since the late 1970s, vaccines and health damages they impact and inflict upon innocent infants, toddlers and teens have been on my research radar screen since the late 1980s. That’s when the physicians’ offices, in which I was affiliated as a natural nutrition consultant, began hearing parents’ claims of their darling children having been damaged after receiving a vaccine/vaccination. That threw up a huge red flag for me to take special note of vaccines, which I’ve been tracking ever since. Vaccine damage has exploded exponentially to now, e.g., autism spectrum, HPV vaccines damages, narcolepsy damage from the Pandemrix flu vaccine, etc.—even deaths. As of 2017, there’s unprecedented documented demographics for autism—a syndrome which appeared virtually nowhere on the medical radar until the 1940s when Dr. Kanner at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore identified it (Kanner Syndrome) and childhood chronic diseases have increased to where “The rate of chronic health conditions among children in the United States increased from 12.8% in 1994 to 26.6% in 2006 …” Source: Medscape. It is now 2017; what’s the current rate, since the vaccination schedule has increased to the point of insanity with total disregard for factual science-based medicine, which indicates vaccines are not safe. Even the U.S. Supreme Court stated in 2011 vaccines were unavoidably unsafe!
Here’s everyone’s chance for push-back:
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Revolution for Truth, Washington, DC
The National Call-in-Day in Support of Vaccine Safety and Reform on March 30 and 31, 2017.
Catherine J Frompovich
National Call-in Day in Support of Vaccine Safety and Reform
On March 30th, please do the following:
- Contact President Trump and say “Vaccine injuries are real and devastating. One in 68 children now has autism. Autism should be declared a national emergency and a higher priority. I support an independent vaccine safety commission.”
- Contact your Senators and member of Congress (see below for contact information) and say “I want Congress to subpoena CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson and I support a vaccine safety commission.”
- Lastly, sign the petition to President Trump asking him to implement comprehensive reforms of vaccine safety policies. (Please note that after you sign you will receive an email asking you to confirm your signature. Please confirm your signature or your signature will not be added.) March 31st is the last day to sign this petition and we must reach 100,000 signatures for the petition to reach President Trump.
To call the President:
Comments: (202)-456-1111
Switchboard: (202)-456-1414
TTY/TTD Comments: (202)-456-6213
To reach your Senators and Congressman/woman:
Call (202)-224-3121. You will need to call this number three times, twice to ask for each of your senators and once to reach your congressman/woman. The operator will ask you who you would like to be connected to. To find out, first visit and enter your address. It will tell you the names of your two senators and your member of congress. (BONUS: This site also includes social media contact information.)
The hearing impaired can reach congress by calling (202)-225-1904.
Sample Script
If you are calling a Representative’s office, you can say: “Hello. My name is ________ and I’m calling to ask Representative _________ to subpoena CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson. It has been more than two years since Dr. Thompson came forward and acknowledged that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) threw away scientific results that showed a connection between vaccines and autism. By colluding with the pharmaceutical industry, thousands, if not millions, of children have developed autism. One in 68 children now has autism. It is time for Dr. William Thompson to speak to the American people and for the leaders of the CDC to be prosecuted. Autism should be declared a national emergency and a higher priority.”
**If you’re leaving a message on an answering machine, provide your phone number or email address so that the office can get back to you.
**Don’t be disappointed if you do not reach your member of congress directly. You will most likely talk to a receptionist or be asked to leave a voicemail. That is okay. All calls from constituents are tallied. The fact that you are their constituent and are taking the time to call is what it’s all about.
**Once you’ve made your calls, we’d love to hear how it went, so please drop us a note at
Want to do more? Here are some other ways to take action on March 30th.
President Trump loves Twitter so let’s cause a twitter storm in support of a vaccine safety commission. Tweet @realDonaldTrump & @POTUS and use the hashtags #RFKCommission & #Revolution4TRUTH.
Most congress members are now on Twitter and actively monitor feedback sent their way. Visit congress/members to search for your congressional Twitter handles. Include the 2 hashtags. Insert the Twitter handle for your own Senators and Representative and the abbreviation for your own state in place of the example provided here:
#RFKCommission #Revolution4TRUTH@MyRepresentative (State) Subpoena Dr. William Thompson aka #cdcWHISTLEBLOWER
How to send a Tweet:
From your Twitter account (mobile or web), send a tweet beginning with the ‘hashtag’ the one with the # symbol, then the Twitter ‘handle’ the one with the @ symbol, include the URL
Make sure to search #RFKCommission & #Revolution4TRUTH to see who else is tweeting/posting their support. Don’t forget to RETWEET!!
Sample Tweet
#RFKcommission #Revolution4TRUTH @JasonInTheHouse TIME 2 ACT > subpoena #CDCwhistleblower
Post your support on Facebook with a link to Use the same hastags #RFKCommission & #Revolution4TRUTH throughout Facebook and include the messaging in support of President Trump’s Vaccine Safety Commission.
Also, search the hashtags and SHARE & LIKE posts from other activists!!
Let us know you’re helping spread the word by sending an email to >>
Have an idea on how to promote support for the Vaccine Safety Commission and the subpoena of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson? Please share them with us by emailing us