Tag: Bill Gates

Bill Gates Warns “World Won’t Return To Normal” Until “Second Generation” Of COVID-19 Super-Vaccines Arrives

By Tyler Durden As the number of trial halts involving experimental COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics grows, public policymakers, the scientific community, and billionaires like Bill Gates are becoming increasingly worried about an issue that analysts from Goldman Sachs raised in a recent research note, where…

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More Bill Gates Secrets Exposed #CancelBillGates

By The Conscious Resistance Derrick Broze checks in for a quick update on new information about Bill Gates and his secret money. His connections go deeper than you think. Watch this video to get the details: [do_widget id=text-16] ? Source: https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/bill-gates-investments-covid/ Watch on YT /…

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Bill Gates: West Must Finance Global Vaccine Distribution Network If It Wants To Defeat COVID-19

By Tyler Durden In an interesting choice of venues, Bill Gates has just published his latest editorial in the Nikkei Asian Review, the English-language flagship of the Japanese financial publishing and data giant. In it, the billionaire Microsoft founder argues that the US and its…

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“Bill Gates We Are Not Your Lab Rats!” Africans Protest COVID Vaccine Trials Among Poor

By Brian Shilavy Testing on an experimental COVID vaccine began on 2000 “volunteers” in South Africa this week, and protesters gathered at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. This is the Oxford University’s coronavirus vaccine trial from the UK, funded heavily by the World…

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Gates & Military Funded Mosquito Vaccine Delivery + Gates Backed Company To Release GM Mosquitoes

By Spiro Skouras Just in case 2020 wasn’t crazy enough, the Environmental Protection Agency recently announced rolled back regulations for companies due to the coronavirus outbreak, paving the way for companies to skirt environmental laws and regulations during this declared crisis. So it should come…

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