Former WHO Director Warns Making Vaccines Mandatory Could Cause Riots

By Paul Joseph Watson Former World Health Organization director Anthony Costello warns that making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory could cause “riots.” Costello, a professor of global health and sustainable development at University College London, made the comments in response to numerous European countries continuing to experience…

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Loss of Medical Staff due to Mandatory Vaccines Affecting Care of Children in Wisconsin Critically Injured in Parade Attack as ERs Nationwide Begin to Close

By Brian Shilavy 18 children were injured, some critically, in the recent Christmas parade attack in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Local news is reporting that Wisconsin’s largest Children’s hospital is having a difficult time caring for these children due to medical staff shortages caused by a COVID-19…

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EMF/RF/5G Thanksgiving; Addressing Past Colonialization, Our Militarized Present, and the Future Underwater Internet of Things? Part 3 of 3

By Patricia Burke “Regulatory agencies should apply the Precautionary Principle when making decisions about acoustic activities to be conducted underwater.” In Part 1, we looked at the on-going colonization and exploitation of indigenous lands and peoples by the U.S., including military-occupied Guam. (While the U.S….

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After Another Soccer Player Collapses on the Field, Former Pro and Sky News Sports Announcer Calls for Investigation

By Matt Agorist It is not unprecedented. Throughout history there have been sports players who suffered from multiple conditions who have “collapsed” on the field during practice and during live games. However, a recent article from a German newspaper, Berliner Zeitung, has highlighted an “unusually…

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EMF/RF/5G Thanksgiving; Addressing Past Colonization, Our Militarized Present, and the Future Underwater Internet of Things? Part 2 of 3

By Patricia Burke See part 1 here on colonialism persisting in the modern day, in great part due to the U.S. military’s planetary footprint. “Here’s the awful truth: even if every person, every automobile, and every factory suddenly emitted zero emissions, the Earth would still…

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EMF/RF/5G Thanksgiving; Addressing Past Colonization, Our Militarized Present, and the Future Underwater Internet of Things, Part 1 of 3

By Patricia Burke (Consider tuning in to the Annual WZBC Pow Wow, and reports from the yearly Plymouth MA protest, or a similar offering, in a community near you, this year.) Manifest Destiny The dictionary defines Manifest Destiny as “the 19th-century doctrine or belief that…

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