EMF/RF/5G/IOUT; 2021 Holiday Season’s Miracle Birth vs. Ocean Cries? Do You Hear What I Hear?

By Patricia Burke with Flo Freshman As Christmas approaches, nativity scenes depict the birth of a newborn child in a manger.  Catholics worldwide are observing the Advent season, with candles, wreaths, and prayers. In truth, centuries earlier, before the Church took the calendar away from…

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Grounding: The Missing Element to Healing Autoimmunity?

By Ali Le Vere, B.S., B.S. – Senior Researcher-GreenMedInfo Our disconnection from the virtually infinite and accessible storehouse of electrons at the earth’s surface is an overlooked cause of autoimmune disease. Revolutionary research is uncovering that physical contact with the ground provisions free radical-neutralizing electrons…

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RF/EMF/5G/IOUT: Internet of Underwater Things vs. Whales and Ocean Mammals, Activist Artist Russell Wray

By Patricia Burke “The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, (also known as the ‘Global Network‘ or the ‘GN’) is an international network of organizations and individuals [] concerned about the militarization and exploitation of space. In just a few decades outer…

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Four States Calling In National Guard To Alleviate Healthcare Staffing Crisis

By Tyler Durden As hospitals face capacity constraints – including firing thousands of workers who refuse to comply with Biden’s illegal directive and get jabbed – amid a COVID-19 surge, some states have enlisted the National Guard to help staff healthcare facilities, Becker’s Hospital Review…

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Despite Mass Censorship, RFK Jr.’s Book on Fauci’s Corruption is #1 Best Seller on Amazon, NY Times, Wall St. Journal

Op-Ed by Edward Curtin With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, RFK, Jr. has made it very clear that he will not allow Orwell’s 1984 totalitarian boot to stamp on his face. …

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