Category: Video

Why the Documentary Vaxxed is so Controversial and Important to Support

By Michelle Goldstein Recently Dr. Andrew Wakefield directed the documentary Vaxxed to educate the public about autism in general, and more specifically to address the coverup of the 2004 research connecting the MMR vaccine to autism. Gastroenterologist Wakefield has become a champion for the autism community,…

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FDA Commissioner’s Parents Led Eugenics Society, Father was Carnegie President: Population Control and Poison

By Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) Daughter of two American Eugenics Society directors, with a Carnegie Corporation President father, departing FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg seemed to inherit her position. (Source) To keep pharmaceutical drugs regulated to a minimum, ensure that children as young as three can…

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8 Amazing Claims Shunned By Conventional Science And Suppressed In Mainstream Media

By Paul A. Philips Great humanitarian progress could be made if conventional science stopped clinging to age-old paradigms and limiting beliefs. Then, to add to these limitations, there’s the controlling imposed on scientific research and academia by science’s corporate/banker sponsors who in effect would rather…

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Solar Seawater Distiller Turns Salt Water into Drinking Water Using Only Sunlight

By Nick Bernabe A genius yet very simple way to produce healthy, bacteria-free water. Italian designer Gabriele Diamanti (@GabDiamanti) has invented Eliodomestico, an eco-distiller running on solar power, to provide safe drinking-water for people in developing countries: a very simple way to produce healthy, bacteria-free…

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Poisoned By Pesticides: How One Farmer Changed Trial Into Triumph With Organic Crops

By Brianna Blaschke After being poisoned by his own pesticides, strawberry farmer Jim Cochran went against the grain, earning him the title of owning the first large-scale organic strawberry farm. In recent years, the extent of which “conventional” agricultural methods cause serious harm has been…

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