Category: Video

The Ever-increasing Presence Of Glyphosate

By Catherine J. Frompovich Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s ‘flagship product’ Roundup®–now owned by Bayer Pharmaceuticals [1], apparently has contaminated every last bastion of healthful food production and naturally-grown field crops. The latest and most unfortunate producer of clean and organic grain products, Bob’s…

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An Easy Do-It-Yourself Way To Detect Electromagnetic Fields In Your Home

By Catherine J. Frompovich With all the electromagnetic fields from just about everything that makes modern life “modern,” we humans, who basically are electrical-chemical beings, are impacted in numerous ways, especially our DNA. Because man-made electrical currents have been around only a couple hundred years,…

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Vaccine Corruption Exposed To Washington State Board of Health

By Catherine J. Frompovich Bernadette Pajer, co-president of Informed Choice Washington, made the most exceptional presentation before the Washington State Board of Health regarding fully informed medical consent and choice, full-disclosure regarding vaccine science and ingredients, plus Big Pharma’s apparently illegal tactics that deprive citizens of…

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The Best Way To Educate Politicians And Government Agencies About Wi-Fi, EMF Frequencies And The Adverse Health Effects Accruing From Them

By Catherine J. Frompovich Slowly, but surely, many high tech consumers are coming to the rough realization that the very devices they have fallen in love with and depend upon, i.e., iPhones, smart phones, and other products that use microwaves to send and receive voice,…

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Grassroots Mid-Term Elections 2018 Plan To Make Vaccines A Hot Political Issue For The GOP

By Catherine J. Frompovich PRESS RELEASES Vaccine Organizers Planning to Disrupt GOP Midterm Elections Over Trump’s Failed Campaign Promise Jul 3, 2018, 2:03pm EDT BALTIMORE, July 3, 2018 /PRNewswire-iReach/ CONTACT: J. Bart Classen, MD.,, 410-377-8526 [do_widget id=text-16] It’s coming up on mid-term elections…

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Why Have Insect-Delivered Diseases Tripled Since 2004?

By Catherine J. Frompovich In May of 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published some rather interesting demographic data regarding insect-delivered diseases – basically those diseases have tripled since 2004 [1-2]! [do_widget id=text-16] According to the CDC, “Nine new germs…

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