Category: Video

Before Presidency, Trump Claimed He Never Got Flu Shots (or “The Flu”) and That They Were a Scam. Since 1980s, U.S. Agency Paid $4B for Vaccine Injuries and Death.

By B.N. Frank Our heartfelt condolences go out to everyone who has lost a loved one due to complications from “The Flu.” However, some children and adults can and have been injured by flu shots and other vaccinations. Many Americans are also still unaware that…

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EPA Declares Fake “Emergency” to Allow Dumping of Bee-Killing Pesticides on 16 Million Acres

By Elias Marat The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted “emergency” clearance to sulfoxaflor – an insecticide that, by the agency’s own admission, is considered “very highly toxic” to bees. Sulfoxaflor will be used on over 16 million acres of crops that are attractive to bees….

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Rockefeller, Big Pharma Faces $1 Billion Lawsuit for Intentionally Infecting People With Syphilis

By John Vibes A federal judge recently approved a $1 billion lawsuit against Johns Hopkins University, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (BMY.N) and the Rockefeller Foundation. The lawsuit is seeking restitution for victims who were intentionally infected with syphilis during government experiments in Guatemala during the 1940s….

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Pesticide Levels in Families Dropped by 60% After One-Week Organic Diet: Study

By Jon Queally A new peer-reviewed study shows that eating a completely organic diet—even for just one week—can dramatically reduce the presence of pesticide levels in people, a finding that was characterized as “groundbreaking” by critics of an industrial food system that relies heavily on synthetic toxins…

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Essential Oils: Vibrational Healing!

By Neenah Payne Royal Raymond Rife (1888 – 1971), a microbiologist, inventor, and engineer, developed an optical microscope with new magnifications and resolutions. His Universal Microscope was the world’s most powerful microscope because it had a resolution of 30,000 diameters compared to today’s state-of-the-art microscopes…

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Top Scientist Exposes the Real Dangers of Milk: It “Turns on Cancer” and “Leaches Calcium from Your Bones”

By Alex Pietrowski The dairy industry is big business, and globally is ‘expected to generate revenues worth USD 442.32 billion in 2019,’ while the U.S. dairy industry spends up to a billion dollars a year in advertising. With so much money on the line and the continual push…

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