Category: Natural Health News

Homeland Security to Release Chemicals into the Air to Simulate a Biological Terror Attack

By Jay Syrmopoulos A planned simulation of a chemical and biological attack has people questioning the impact of the drill on human and environmental health. Newkirk, OK – The Department of Homeland Security plans to conduct chemical and biological testing near the border between Kansas and…

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Holistic Doctor and Entire Family Found Shot Dead in Arizona Home

Yet another holistic doctor has unfortunately passed away. The deaths of  Annie Fairbanks, husband Jason Fairbanks, both 39 years old, their 3-year-old daughter, and 9-month-old son are shocking the natural health community. They were killed by apparent gunshot wounds which police were quick to rule a…

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Future Medicine FAIL! Attempt To Label Natural Blaze ‘Fake News’ Points To Medical Journal Instead

By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze In a typical obvious example of industry supported “science,” the journal Future Medicine has published a report in which it focuses not on science itself but on the notion of Fake News and how it applies to the perception and reception of…

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Is Psychiatry a New Weapon in an Old Attack on Independent Federal Judges?

By Katherine Hine “Psychiatry is the only medical specialty that must arrange for police protection against demonstrations by ex-patients when they hold national conferences.” — Al Siebert, PhD [Schizophrenia Breakthrough (Practical PsychologyPress 2003, p. 163] INDEPENDENT FEDERAL JUDGES? THE JUDICIAL-PSYCHIATRIC COMPLEX – HOW DID WE…

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Fears of Radiation Leak Soar After North Korea Nuclear Site Collapse Kills 200

By Jake Johnson The disaster is believed to have resulted from Pyongyang’s hydrogen bomb test, which sparked earthquakes and landslides Experts are issuing urgent warnings of a possible radiation leak following the collapse of a tunnel at North Korea’s Punggye-ri nuclear test site, an accident that reportedly killed…

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Marijuana in Candy Won’t Kill Your Kids, But This Ingredient Might

By Carey Wedler Every Halloween, warnings to parents sound the alarm on cannabis and other drugs ending up in their children’s candy. While these advisories rarely come to fruition, another dangerous substance is guaranteed to be in kids’ treats: sugar.Though the link between sugar consumption and…

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There Has Never Been One Documented Case of Strangers Poisoning or Drugging Halloween Candy

By Matt Agorist The Real Reason Police Push Debunked ‘Drug-laced Candy’ Myth on Halloween Police fear mongering about drug-laced Halloween candy is back — in spite of the utter lack of evidence, this myth continues, here’s why. Law enforcement across the country have taken to social…

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Clean Water For Puerto Rico! Thanks to Solar-Powered Filtration

By Heather Callaghan, Editor America has been relentlessly barraged with tragic stories of Puerto Rico’s devastation following recent hurricanes. The situation has left the world in a precarious situation where we look on helplessly wondering what we can do. Enter: Pure Foundation. We don’t know much about…

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