Einstein Left Tips on Happiness In These 95 Year Old Letters

albert einstein on happiness joy

By Heather Callaghan, Editor

When you think of Einstein you automatically know that E=MC2. But what was his equation for happiness?

Back in 1922, the German-born physicist was touring in Tokyo during the time he had just been informed that he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He was staying at Imperial Hotel when a Japanese courier arrived to deliver him a message.

Apparently, Einstein couldn’t leave a tip, so he left a “tip” of sorts. He either didn’t have change or the courier refused a tip according to local tradition.

GNN reports (emphasis added):

“Maybe if you’re lucky those notes will become much more valuable than just a regular tip,” Einstein told the messenger, according to the seller, a resident of the German city of Hamburg who wished to remain anonymous.

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One note, on the stationary of the Imperial Hotel Tokyo, says that “a quiet and modest life brings more joy than a pursuit of success bound with constant unrest.”

The other, on a blank piece of paper, simply reads: “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

While the second one is a common saying and may not seem profound, it may have been a particular, beloved life creed that Einstein wanted to convey to the courier.

Both messages have been completely under the radar all these years only to surface recently as they go to auction in Jerusalem as of Tuesday along with some other writings of Einstein’s.

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Although the more emotional musings may come as a disappointment to scientists, they still shed light on the private thoughts of the one whose name is literally an adverb for genius. People are pondering whether these are indeed private thoughts or reflect Einstein’s burgeoning fame at the time.

“What we’re doing here is painting the portrait of Einstein — the man, the scientist, his effect on the world — through his writings,” said Roni Grosz, the archivist in charge of the world’s largest Einstein collection, at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University.

“This is a stone in the mosaic.”

What do you think – is Einstein’s formula for happiness worth a try?

Sound off below and don’t forget to share!

favorite-velva-smallHeather Callaghan is a Health Mentor, writer, speaker and energy medicine practitioner. She is the Editor and co-founder of NaturalBlaze as well as a certified Self-Referencing IITM Practitioner.

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