Category: Food Freedom

Emails Reveal US Officials Joined With Agrochemical Giant Bayer to Stop Mexico’s Glyphosate Ban

By Kenny Stancil While Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has given farmers in the country a 2024 deadline to stop using glyphosate, The Guardian reported Tuesday that agrochemical company Bayer, industry lobbyist CropLife America, and U.S. officials have been pressuring Mexico’s government to drop its proposed ban…

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Florida Man Uses Stimulus Check to Start Thriving Home Garden to Feed His Community

By Elias Marat When millions of people across the United States received their federal stimulus checks to help them cope with the devastating economic repercussions of the novel coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdown, most people spent their checks on basic necessities like food, rent, mortgage,…

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Building the Beast System: FDA Wants GPS on Crops – Spinach Sends Email – Cow Registration Mandates

By Ice Age Farmer The FDA is considering requiring GPS coordinates of every crop harvested, and data on when it was planted/harvested/chilled/packed/shipped. Not only would this put small farms OUT of business, it effectively requires robotic automation. British Columbia has mandated livestock registration for your…

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Corporate Concentration in the US Food System Makes Food More Expensive and Less Accessible for Many Americans

By Philip H. Howard, Michigan State University and Mary Hendrickson, University of Missouri-Columbia Agribusiness executives and government policymakers often praise the U.S. food system for producing abundant and affordable food. In fact, however, food costs are rising, and shoppers in many parts of the U.S….

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Biden Attacks Farms – Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply – Engineered Famine

By Ice Age Farmer The Biden admin’s executive actions in the last 48 hours are attacking farms and implementing the technocratic takeover of food, accelerating a global collapse in food production by paying farmers NOT to grow food, cutting their financial support, tasking Tom Vilsack’s…

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The GREATER Food Transformation — Christian Westbrook (Ice Age Farmer) at The Greater Reset Activation

By Ice Age Farmer Christian Westbrook of the Ice Age Farmer broadcast speaks at The Greater Reset Activation (​) on the transition to an emergent, regenerative, decentralized food system to feed and empower our families and communities into the future.​ FULL SHOW NOTES: SUBSCRIBE…

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