Category: Environment

Whistleblower award goes to Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini

Roundup researcher honoured by Federation of German Scientists (VDW) and the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini will tomorrow be honoured with the 2015 Whistleblower Award by the Federation of German Scientists (VDW) and the German Section of the International Association of Lawyers…

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2.6 Billion Pounds of Monsanto’s Roundup Sprayed on US Farmland in 20 Years

By Alex Pietrowski The Environmental Protection agency of California has just made moves to label Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, or Glyphosate, as a ‘probably carcinogenic to humans.’ It’s linked to cancer and heavily contaminates the soil, yet there is no sign that farmers will stop using this poison any…

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Forest Service Being Sued to Stop Nestle from Drawing Water in National Forest

By Claire Bernish San Bernardino National Forest — “The Story of Stuff Project, the California-based Courage Campaign Institute, and the Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit this week against the U.S. Forest Service for allowing Nestle to continue to bottle millions of gallons of water…

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Sink Or Swim, Preparation Is Key: Observations From The SC Flood

By [easyazon_link identifier=”B015K0BUQM” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]Brandon Turbeville[/easyazon_link] As the flood waters began to rise in South Carolina, so did the level of awareness that the vast majority of South Carolinians were wholly unprepared for such a disaster. As the flood crisis got under way, South Carolina…

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