Category: Environment

Trump To Go Ahead With DAPL, Keystone; Eminent Domain, Pollution To Follow But No Energy Independence

By Brandon Turbeville In the first week of the Trump administration, The Donald has issued a flurry of executive orders, many of them surprisingly positive. Ending the TPP, U.S. support for abortion overseas, and a planned “renegotiation” of NAFTA have all brought praise from a…

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‘Bombshell Revelations’ Point to Ongoing Poisoning of Grassy Narrows People

By Lauren McCauley Environmental volunteers and The Toronto Star uncover mercury contaminated soil around shuttered plant, amounting to ‘more than enough of a smoking gun to require a full investigation’ An investigation by environmental volunteers and The Toronto Star has uncovered the “bombshell revelation” that soil…

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EPA Acknowledges Neonics’ Harm to Bees, Then ‘Bows to Pesticide Industry’

By Andrea Germanos ‘This is like a doctor diagnosing your illness but then deciding to withhold the medicine you need to cure it’ The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday published two bee-related announcements, but with both, say environmental groups, the agency has failed the pollinators. One…

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Who Is Spraying Us? Raytheon, MITRE Corporation, MIT are Prime Suspects: Peter Kirby

By Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) Peter A. Kirby is a researcher and author from San Rafael, California, author of “Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.” In this interview with Era of Wisdom, Peter breaks down his extensive research on the history of weather modification (geoengineering),…

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Here’s Why Portland, Oregon Just Filed a Major Federal Lawsuit Against Monsanto

By Jake Anderson Becoming the seventh city to sue Monsanto over contaminated waterways, Portland passed a resolution last week authorizing city attorney Tracy Reeve to take the biotech company to federal court over its decades-long dispersal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The city has spent more…

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