Category: Environment

Natural Enemies Combat Pests Effectively Unless Surrounded by Conventional Farms

When cabbage looper moth larvae infest a field, sustainable growers will often try to control the pests by releasing large numbers of predators, such as ladybugs. That way they can avoid spraying expensive and environmentally harmful insecticides. Still, farmers have mixed results when they supplement…

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Chevron Has Spilled 800,000 Gallons of Crude Oil and Water Into a California Canyon Since May

By Olivia Rosane, EcoWatch California officials ordered Chevron Friday “to take all measures” to stop a release that has spilled around 800,000 gallons of water and crude oil into a dry creek bed in Kern County, KQED reported. The order, issued by the new acting head of the state’s Division…

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Monoculture Farming with Pollinator-Dependent Crops Threatens Food Security, Study Suggests

New research suggests that global trends in farming practices are undermining the pollinators crops depend on and putting agricultural productivity and stability at risk, particularly in some Asian and South American nations A multinational team of researchers has identified countries where agriculture’s increasing dependence on…

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