Category: Big Pharma

Doctor Explains Why Vaccine Policies and Injections In Children Are An ‘Egregious Crime’

  Board Certified Medical Doctor Explains Why Vaccine Policies and Injections Onto Children Are An ‘Egregious Crime’ – Testimony to the Maine Legislature My name is Dr. Suzanne Humphries. I am a medical doctor, board certified in Nephrology and trained in Internal Medicine. I hold…

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Chronically Ill 6-Year-Old Walks for First Time After Medical Cannabis Treatment

By Josh Mur The medicinal benefits of cannabis used to inspire heated debate—used to. With ongoing discoveries and successful treatments, denying the efficacy of cannabis treatment is no longer a matter of opinion, but rather, a complete fallacy. Around 100 years of propaganda, fear-mongering, and criminalization…

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Hospital Staff Fired for Not Submitting to Forced Vaccination: Report

Natural Blaze Recent reporting that staff at Waikato Hospital, New Zealand have been bullied into accepting influenza vaccinations is “absolutely unacceptable in a democracy” and is an “assault on workers’ human rights”. Katherine Smith, spokeswoman for No Forced Vaccines says that she is “appalled” to…

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