Category: Big Pharma

Merck Insider Caught Deleting Peer-Reviewed Study Linking “Behavioral Abnormalities” to Gardasil

By Matt Agorist On January 9, 2016, a study titled “Behavioral abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus vaccine Gardasil” was published by the journal Vaccine. The study, which had gone through Vaccine’s “extensive peer review process” consisted…

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Pharmaceutical Giants Caught Supplying Cartels With Tons of Bulk Ingredients to Produce Meth

By John Vibes Prosecutors in Belgium have recently announced that executives with pharmaceutical companies based in the country will be charged with knowingly providing drug cartels with prescription drugs that were used to manufacture methamphetamine. The companies are accused of providing the Mexican drug kingpin…

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Taking Apart Psychiatry – Fraud Kings of the Mind

By Jon Rappoport Exploding the myth of “good science…” “Promoting diabolically false science, psychiatry creates a gateway for defining many separate states of consciousness that don’t exist at all. They’re cheap myths, fairy tales.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) USA Today, January 26, 2016: “Primary care doctors should…

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CDC Docs Reveal Deceptive Media Campaign to Instill Fear, Anxiety to Push Flu Vaccine

By Brandon Turbeville Recently, a presentation stemming from the Centers for Disease Control regarding a flu vaccine awareness and uptake program has been making the rounds on a number of natural health and alternative media websites. Entitled “Increasing Awareness and Uptake of Influenza Immunization,” by…

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Science: Big Pharma’s Role in Iatrogenic Mitochondrial Diseases Caused by Vaccines and Prescription Drugs

By Catherine J Frompovich Perhaps my long-held postulate—if doctors read and took seriously the emerging science in peer review journals regarding vaccine chemicals and neurotoxins, in particular, and disregarded Big Pharma’s hype and perks, they would not vaccinate infants and toddlers, or anyone—has been vindicated…

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