Author: Michael

McDonald’s Latest Marketing Ploy Shows Just How Desperate the Food Giant Has Become

By Nick Bernabe Fast food giant McDonald’s has been having a rough time. Considering its recent decision to close 700 locations in 2015, dire predictions from franchise owners claiming the company is facing its “final days,” and a June announcement that the company was shrinking…

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Big Pharma is Synthesizing Cannabis to Make a Patent-able Pill and It’s Killing People

By Matt Agorist Throughout the bodies of every human on the planet is a physiological system that plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining human health. The endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS), discovered by scientists unafraid of studying marijuana, is made of endocannabinoids and their…

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New Study Shows Cannabis to be an Effective Treatment for the 6th Leading Cause of Death in US

By Justin Gardner Scientific research continues to uncover an astonishing number of ways in which medical cannabis can treat human ailments. The latest is a clinical study conducted by Israeli researchers which found that cannabis is “a promising treatment option” for those suffering from Alzheimer’s…

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