Clean The Air in Your Home with these Pollution-Busting House Plants!

By Antony Sammeroff

The air in many homes and offices has 25-100 times the level of airborne pollutants than the air outside, even in cities! Toxic particles emitted from paints, cleansers and air fresheners and off-gassed from vinyl floors, carpets and furniture can be surprisingly persistent and may contribute to cancer formation as well as damaging to your liver, kidney and central nervous system.

The lungs are one of our primary detoxification organs and we get rid of a lot of our body’s toxic waste products by breathing them out. In order for them to do their job properly, we need to feed them oxygen! We all know that oxygen bonds with carbon to form carbon dioxide which we breathe out and which trees breathe in. But oxygen is also necessary to bind with a bunch of other waste products before we take them out of our body. It bonds with nitrogen to create urea and ammonia. It also bonds with hydrogen to create water, sulphur, and other chemicals.

It’s not always possible to go for a stroll while you’re at work, but you can make sure you are breathing clean air nature’s way even inside by getting a few house plants. They will convert carbon dioxide back into oxygen and they absorb all kinds of pollutants for you while you sleep. This will make a tremendous difference to your health over time.

The New Ecologist made a list of the top 10 anti-pollutant houseplants. They rate the best as:

  1. The Feston Rose plant
  2. Devil’s Ivy
  3. Phalaenopsis
  4. English Ivy
  5. Parlor Ivy
  6. African Violets
  7. Christmas Cactus
  8. Yellow Goddess
  9. Garlic Vine
  10. Peace Lily

Spider plants Are considered among the easiest air-purifying plants to grow, and according to NASA are one of the top three pollution removing houseplants. They will remove harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide, xylene, formaldehyde and toluene from the air. Adding the spider plant to hospital rooms has been shown to speed up the recovery rate of surgical patients in multiple studies. They also increase humidity, decreasing the risk of several airborne diseases such as cold, cough, sore throat and flu-like symptoms.

Source: The Conscious Resistance Network

Antony Sammeroff is a psychotherapist and economics journalist best known for the book Universal Basic Income – For and Against and his incisive debates with prominent leftists such as RIchard Wolff and Ben Burgis. Antony has spent over a year of his life on retreats across the world. He became a certified pranayama breathwork instructor in India where he has spent 9 months writing and studying yoga. He has fasted for over two months of his life, twice for three weeks at a stretch in Costa Rica; and experimented with juice cleansing and other detoxification protocols including the Gerson Diet in Mexico where he has also spent nearly a year. Antony has been writing on the pharmaceutical industry and the corrupt economics of healthcare for years. You can get his free eBook 7 Big Pharma Myths Debunked from

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