Pretending to be Alternative

By Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

Since the onset of the Covidian Era in 2019, the “alternative media” and its alternative media celebrities, have occupied a greater percentage of center stage.  They didn’t have to push their way into the spotlight since they own part of it, a section further upstage.

The “alternative media” has upstaged the mainstream media in the promotion, and selling, of “alternative remedies ” for COVID-19. Among the many options is Ivermectin.

In 2020, I wrote an article on the dangers of Ivermectin in the article, The Rise of Ivermectin, found here. Additional information was published by Vaccine Impact here. Why bring up yesterday’s news?

Old news is new again when new information becomes available. What the many “alternative” faces did not reveal about their “alternative” products is that they were not alternative at all. They contain the same materials as the standard issue EUA injectables and pills. They only come packaged with a less inflammatory script.

Pretending to be Alternative

Beware of “off label” drugs, such as Ivermectin, pretending to be alternative. They are pharmaceuticals. Today, they are built with intelligent surfaces designed to work with 6G systems for wide-scale global deployment. In 2024, 5G has become yesterday’s news. The new narrative boasts  7G to succeed 5G and 6G.

While we already know these products are prescription drugs, we should know that they work with nanotechnology and are activated by electromagnetic frequencies as part of digital surveillance systems.

This has been true since 2003, when president George Bush signed the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act. Since then, over thirty Federal departments, independent agencies, and commissions work together toward a brave new world of cybernetics, cognitive technology, and digital surveillance systems.

But what about the stories of people Ivermectin has helped?

Pharmaceuticals may help the body, before they hurt it. Ivermectin is a known anti-parasitic. If it helps people, then they have parasites. And these days, who doesn’t have parasites? Especially when there are parasites among us, parasites in high places. However, Ivermectin studied in randomized, controlled trials showed no clinical benefit in the prevention or treatment of Covid-19. Toxic effects include: severe confusion, ataxia, seizures, and hypotension.

New oral antibodies are the next “alternative” product being marketed. Yet. alternative science, in 2012, claimed that antibodies, alone, are not enough to mount a natural and true immune response.  The activation of T cells comprise a primary “cell-mediated” immune response to an antigen stimulus.

How much help “alternative” products offer depends upon the individual ingredients, and whether they are injected (vaccine), ingested (pill), or inhaled (airborne).  The most immediate and potentially dangerous delivery system is by injection, since the materials bypass the body’s innate immune system to be delivered directly into the bloodstream.  From the blood, electromagnetic nanomaterials (lipdnanoparticles, graphene, and hydrogels), are carried to organs, tissues and cells, where they take up residence and become embedded into tissue.

Nanobots are self-assembling and self-replicating. They have artificial intelligence (A.I.). They take orders and commands, military-style. The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) has been around for 25 years. NNI is the new supplement to the president’s 2024 budget called for under the provisions of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act (15 USC §7501). If the president is supplementing with A.I. as a budget item, then Americans should be aware of the updated national diet.

The “Alternative” Pharma Products

Choosing an “alternative” medication is still a medication. Thus, it is important to read the labels and do the research.

The REAL McCoy

Image by <a href="">Oleksandr Pidvalnyi</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>With definitions ever-changing under a NanoNarrative, we need to return to “REAL.”  “Real” is eating clean with organic, grass fed meat and milk, pastured eggs, locally-grown vegetables and fruits, eating with the seasons. “Real” is connecting to Nature and the world of plants and herbs as medicine. “Real” does not require a label.

Food is the main fuel of the body. Still, in today’s world, food as fuel is not enough due to our many toxic exposures.

It is important to supplement with “real” ingredients, not “alternatives.” Supplementing foods should be food-based, such as fruit freshly harvested, nutrient-rich broths, and herbal preparations, such as teas and tinctures.  For example, when sourcing vitamin C, choose food-based C over ascorbic acid.

Real foods resemble body parts. Citrus fruits have a similar appearance to female mammals’ mammary glands. These fruits support breast health and lymphatic flow into and out of the breasts.

In a world of nanotech, it takes an effort to be natural. Get to know your local ‘small farmer’ as someone not small in stature, but small in commercial operation. The Weston A. Price Foundation connects people to local small farmers to source real foods. Find a local chapter here.

The farther from nature, the closer to synthetic A.I., the door to Cyborgs, and the realm of Transhumanism.

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Rosanne Lindsay is a Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Writer, and Author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at Listen to her archived podcasts at Subscribe to receive blog posts via email using the form at the bottom of this page.

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