Global Food Fight: Protests Spreading
By Neenah Payne
The Dutch people are rising up to protest destructive WEF climate law
The World Economic Forum-controlled Dutch government announced an end to modern farming – putting harsh controls on nitrogen, and spelling the end to thousands of family farms. They want to liquidate over 3,000 of them. In response, Dutch farmers took a page out of the Canadian Freedom Convoy playbook. They took to the highways, blockaded borders, and launched massive protests.
Now, they are making their final stand. So far, the global media has vilified the farmers, brushing aside their concerns with the New World Order-style policy, and propagating government lines. Farmers are worried that this will push us one step closer to a global food crisis and total government control of the food supply. Dutch farmers protesting their government’s authoritarian policies said they found inspiration from Canadian truckers.
Rebel News Report: 3/13/23
Dutch farmers received an incredible show of support in the Netherlands on Saturday. Thousands filled the Zuiderpark in The Hague to show support for Dutch farmers standing up to the country’s radical climate policies. It was a nod to last summer’s massive farmer uprising, dubbed the Farmer Rebellion, that shut down streets and highways and brought the Netherlands to a standstill.
The Dutch government is pushing an extremist climate agenda that threatens to phase out farmers.
Their prime minister and WEF agenda contributor, Mark Rutte, thinks the farmers are using too much nitrogen — a vital fertilizing component critical in food production. Many believe the Netherlands is the testing ground before these policies are rolled out globally. The authorities were less enthusiastic than the supporters and were on high alert leading up to the protest. They threatened farmers with jail time and fines if they participated. We also saw reports of police staging riot control water cannon trucks. (That seems a bit extreme for a peaceful protest, doesn’t it?)
Rebel News’ UK team was embedded in the tractor convoy as farmers made their way to the protest. You can watch those scenes and hear from their supporters right here.
The people we met were not fooled by what the Dutch government is doing.
Everyone there was of a similar mind that this has nothing to do with reducing nitrogen emissions and fighting climate change — they believe the intentions of their political elites are far more sinister.
You can see all the reports we compiled at — from quick Twitter videos and more in-depth coverage. If you want to learn what’s happening in the Netherlands, you really should visit The Dutch government is obsessed with shutting down farms. It’s insane! Many of these farms have operated for hundreds of years. Food prices have never been higher — the Netherlands is committing economic and agricultural suicide with these policies.
The Future of Food False Flag
In The Future Food False Flag, James Corbett lists a number of recent attacks on the food supply chain. He warns:
The food supply is under attack. But by whom? And for what purpose? Find out the dirty truth about the global food crisis and how the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are trying to use this crisis as an opportunity to usher in the Great Food Reset on today’s fast-paced edition of The Corbett Report podcast.
James Corbett’s presentation is from around 1:35 to 1:54 in the video below. He discusses “Food 2.0” and points out that will have to fundamentally transform the food system to continue feeding the world.
The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back — FULL STREAM 3/4/23
Presented by Children’s Health Defense TV
Hosted by Meryl Nass, M.D.
Opening Remarks
- Session 1: Attacks on Food & Agriculture — Alexis Baden-Mayer, Benjamin Dobson, André Leu, Abby Rockefeller, Patrick Wood, James Corbett, Joe Mercola, Stephanie Seneff
- Session 2: Solutions for Farmers — Ronnie Cummins, André Leu, Mark Fulford, Bonnie Mallard
- Session 3: Solutions for Individuals — John Day, Beverly Johannson, Sara Woods Kender, Zen Honeycutt
- Session 4: Societal Solutions — Alexis Baden-Mayer, Heather Retberg, Ben Banks-Dobson
Corbett refers viewers to his report The Future of Food
If “you are what you eat,” as the old adage has it, then what does that make us?
As consumers of heavily processed, chemically treated, GMO-infested gunk, we in the modern, developed world have “solved” the problem of hunger that plagued our forebears since time immemorial by handing our food sovereignty over to a handful of corporate conglomerates. The result of this handover has been the creation of a factory farming system in which genetically engineered crops are doused in glyphosate and livestock are herded into tiny pens where they live their entire lives in fetid squalor, pumped up with antibiotics and growth hormones until they are slaughtered and shipped off to the supermarkets and fast food chains.
There have been any number of documentaries and exposés produced in recent decades detailing the dangers of this industrial farming system that we find ourselves beholden to, any number of activists ringing the alarm about these problems, any number of campaigns and marches organized to raise awareness about these issues. Yet still, nation after nation gets fatter and sicker as traditional diets based on fresh produce sourced from local farmers are displaced by the fast food pink slime sourced from the industrial farms of the Big Food oligopoly.
But as bad as things may be, they’re about to get even worse. As crisis after crisis disrupts the food supply, the “solution” to these problems has already been prepared. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself.
This is an exploration of The Future of Food.
See Corbett’s reports: The Future of Food (Is Ours to Decide) and The ‘Great Food Reset’: Who’s Behind Plan to Reengineer the Global Food Supply?: Journalist James Corbett identifies the cast of characters driving the Great Food Reset, a plan to reengineer the global food supply under the guise of a fake food crisis.
An Anarchist’s Perspective
In the video below, Canadian farmer Curtis Stone does a walk-about tour of his property where he has three huge solar panels, a well, chickens, and greenhouses. Curtis encourages people to become more self-sufficient and independent so they have control over their sources of energy, food, and water.
Curtis explains that “anarchy” does not mean without rules. It just means without rulers. He says when Dutch farmers protest against the system, they are wasting their time because they are just giving it legitimacy and more power. He questions why they are using nitrogen. Curtis says he doesn’t feel he is in “Canada” anymore since there are no signs of the nation state (like MPs) in his area. Curtis believes that the best future will be in small communities of like-minded self-sufficient people who collaborate.
Why The Dutch Farmers Are Wasting Their Time
The Urban Farmer: Growing Food for Profit on Leased and Borrowed Land
Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post and Natural Blaze