The UK 5G Legal Action and the EU – Helping Us Secure a Safer Future
By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International
The U.K. Government has failed in its duty to inform the public about the risks of wireless radiation
Monday and Tuesday February 6 and 7, the “Action Against 5G Court Case” took place at the Royal Courts of Justice on Strand, London WC2A 2LL. K, United Kingdom.
The UK Court Action Against 5G originally scheduled for Dec. 13 had been graciously postponed by the court until February.

In addition, the Court extended the time allotted for the February hearing from one to one-and-one half days, allowing more time for the case to be presented.
At the trial, the judge allowed the hearing to be moved to a larger room to accommodate all 70 supporters who wanted to be inside.

Outside the courthouse, supporters were holding banners and cars tooted in support, as well as buses, a concrete lorry, and taxis.
Worldwide, a growing community of supporters engaged in respectful presence, visioning, meditation, and the power of intention towards their colleagues in the U.K. and for the legal team.
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Others across the U.K. stood with signs in their locales.

EMF Exiles Were Represented and Included
Supporters brought yellow cut out ‘EMF exiles’ to symbolize those who could not attend and who were excluded due to high levels of Electro-Magnetic Radiation. (Electro-hyper-sensitive people’s lives and activities are restricted due to increasing ambient exposures. Many can no longer travel to London or other urban areas due to symptom onset associated with EMF/RF exposures.)
History in the Making: Outside the Court
Legal Team: Michael Mansfield KC
Beloved Silk Michael Mansfield KC (Kings Counsel) lead the legal team. (Kings Counsel KC formerly known as QC, Queen’s Counsel, when there was a Queen on the throne, also termed a Silk due to their black silk robes, is the highest rank).
The respected silk has provided representation in many high-profile cases of civil liberty and miscarriages of justice, including the families of Grenfell Tower, Lockerbie, the Ballymurphy Massacre and Stephen Lawrence.
He was recently described as “the king of human rights work” by The Legal 500 and as a Leading Silk in civil liberties and human rights.”
Willful Ignorance and Reckless Disregard
The case addressed the fact that the U.K. Government has refused to examine a large body of high quality, peer-reviewed scientific evidence of harms to life from RF radiation.
Current ‘ICNIRP’ exposure guidelines take account only of heating effects in adult humans, and as a result are set far too high.
“The Government has a duty to inform the public of the risks and to protect us from them, yet there has been no assessment of harms to developing children, to animals and plants, no environmental impact assessment and no consideration given to the dreadful impacts on Electro Hyper-sensitivity sufferers.”
The failure of the UK and other governments to investigate reported harm, for example in Chiswick, is an abdication of the government’s responsibility.
The scale of increase of 24/7/365 EMF exposure does not justify an assumption of “no harm.”

People from across the World have supported this case by sending in supportive pictures and messages to Global 5G Protest for Freedom:

Claimant Karen Churchill shared, ” A huge thank you to all those for coming to support the case, a peaceful presence inside the court communicated the extend of the public interest in the case. Thank you for all the people who have donated, these donations enabled the case to proceed. It was very encouraging to hear agreement being expressed in beeped horns from people passing the signs. The atmosphere was joyous.” “Most of all, I was very happy to see those who could not be there due to wireless exposures in the city being a pollutant intolerable to their bodies, represented by yellow cut out figures.”
Commentary from Barrister Phillip Rule and a First-Person Account from Oliver Perceval at Action Against 5G is here: Reports From Those on the Ground; UK “Action Against 5G” Hearing
For more upcoming details and updates on the Case, kindly visit:
The United States and the FCC
A similar court case was brought against the Federal Communications Commission for their failure to justify their decision not to revisit 1996 radio frequency exposure guidelines.
The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled in EHT/CHD et al. v. the FCC that the 2019 decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to retain its 1996 safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation was “arbitrary and capricious” and “not evidence-based.” The court ruled that the FCC failed to address impacts of long term wireless exposure, impacts to children, testimony of people injured by wireless radiation, and impacts to wildlife and the environment.
The Court’s remand to the FCC remains unaddressed, in part due to a regulatory gap at the Federal level regarding EMF/RF.
Likewise, as was the case in the U.K. in Chiswick, the U.S. government has failed to investigate reported harm, for example, in Pittsfield, MA.
Meeting of Europeans for Safe Connections Full Day Hearing with Representatives from the EU Parliament
As the court case against 5G was proceeding in London, as reported by Jean Hudon, a “Meeting of Europeans for Safe Connections and other NGOs concerned about pollution from wireless connections” convened in Brussels by MP Michele Rivasi, Member of the European Parliament.

“Europeans for Safe Connections (ESC) is a coalition of national and international organisations that are aware of adverse consequences of the modern communication technologies. ESC members develop proposals to arrive at a safer use of wireless telecommunication technologies, limiting radio frequency and microwave exposure as low as it is reasonable, at the level of individuals as well as the society, and the natural environment, flora and fauna.”
The agenda featured:
18:30 Opening and Context Introduction, MEP Michele RIVASI
18:35 European for Safe Connections, presentation by Rob VAN DER BOOM
18:50 Phonegate lessons and SAR compliance in EU, by MD Marc ARAZI
19:05 Being Electrohypersensitive in the EU, a public testimony
19:20 The European Citizen Initiative «Stop5G- Stay Connected but Protected», presentation by Pernille SCHRIVER
19:30 Q/A, Discussion and MEPs Comment, moderated by MEP Anne-Sophie PELLETIER
19:50 The 2011 Resolution of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly: “The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment”, a perspective by Jean HUSS, Rapporteur of the Resolution
19:55 The 2021 Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee: “The societal and ecological impact of the 5G ecosystem”, a perspective by Dumitru FORNEA, Rapporteur of the Opinion
20:00 The 2030 Hexa-X Flagship initiative of the European Commission, by Peter STUCKMANN, European Commission, DG CNECT
20:05 Discussion and exchange of views, moderated by MEP Ivan SINČIĆ
20:25 Conclusion and Next Steps, by MEP Michele RIVASI
Part 1:
Part 2:
Jean Hudon reports, “NOTE especially at 2 min 10 sec in this video the table illustrating how radiation emitted by 4G and 5G antennas spreads, and showing how thin and concentrated the beam is, and therefore powerful and harmful, to millimetric 5G.
Michèle Rivasi chastises, among other things, her colleagues MPs for having, so far, been especially interested in listening, recognizing and supporting the aims and financial interests of the telecommunications industry and the unscientific and totally discredited theories of ICNIRP (see ICNIRP-report-FINAL-19-JUNE-2020.pdf ( — a German groupuscule defending the fraudulent thermal paradigm allowing industry anything and anything—considered as a reliable international benchmark by all governments for setting their national standards on so-called safe levels of exposure to electromagnetic pollution created by their wireless technologies, including 3G cellular networks, 4G 5G and soon 6G. Never, she regrets, has the EU previously required reliable independent studies on the health and environmental impacts of these technologies, at the obvious detriment, which is absolutely outrageous, of the health of millions of people today affected, and regardless of the major impacts observed on wildlife and the flower.”
The arc of the moral universe is bending toward justice. Be on the right side of history.
Also See: Reports From Those on the Ground; UK “Action Against 5G” Hearing
Source: SafeTechInternational