UK Update: Feb 6 &7 Action Against 5G Court Case

By Patricia Burke with Karen Churchill of Safe Tech International

“Who do you hold responsible? Hold yourself responsible.” – Sean Carney

Two brave women decided to challenge the UK government with regards to the risks of 5G

First Claimant and Second Claimant Vicky Angell & Karen Churchill

They consider that the UK Government has failed to inform the public about the risks of RFR (Radio Frequency Radiation) and 5G. Their action is relevant to other countries as well.

They were granted permission for the Case to be heard on Appeal.

They have been working for three long years to get this evidence in front of a judge who will listen impartially.

The history of the case can be found here:

Case updates are here (Donations can be made here too.)

The upcoming hearing page is here

Michael Mansfield QC is the lead barrister

He is a famous Human Rights barrister in the UK, he has worked on many high-profile cases, including the Lockerbie disaster and more recently the Grenfell Tower.

If you think that the government needs to evaluate the risks of RFR and 5G more thoroughly, you may be interested in sharing this short 6-minute promotional clip about the case:


with Amanda Kenton, Katherine Armitage, Karen Churchill, Sean Carney, and Kate Kneel of Safe Tech International.

The Mark Attwood Show; Adventures in a Cosmic Suit: “This is a Spiritual War“

Claimant Karen Churchill was featured on the UK’s Mark Attwood show recently. Listen here for an excellent 38-minute overview:

The Ritchie Allen Show

On January 19th, Richie Allen was joined by 5G awareness campaigners Karen Churchill and Sean Carney.

Support the cause: 5G Legal Action – Help us secure a safer future (

More info:

Radio Frequency info:

Recent Articles:

UK Court Action Against 5G Postponed – Safe Tech International Action Against explains, “The case concerns an important issue of public safety. It raises the risk to which members of the public, including particular vulnerable individuals, and children, are being exposed without having consented to or agreed to expose themselves to that risk; and without an adequate and proper consideration undertaken by the relevant safeguarding authorities of the creation of those man-made public health risks.”

Outside the Courthouse December 13 after the trial was postponed until February 6 and 7. Supporters persevered in spite of snow and ice and the train strikes.

UK: 5G Precaution and Protection? Dec. 13, 2022 “High Court Judicial Review Proceedings” – Safe Tech International “This judicial review is a challenge to the Defendants’ acts and omissions concerning the failure to engage with necessary and sufficient investigation of the dangers and health risks and harms arising from the existing, and the increasing public exposure to new forms of radiation. The claim is very clear – there is a weight and volume of scientific material and evidence of harmful effects that must be properly considered by the Defendants. It is deeply concerning that there is no ownership by any of the Defendants of the risks to be considered by increasing exposure to RFR. There is, as yet, an absence of scientific reasoning and analysis undertaken by or provided by the Defendants. This is not a case of which scientific material is to be preferred, but the obligation that all relevant scientific material must be considered and evaluated by the Defendants and cannot be a duty abrogated or delegated to a third-party. The simple point is that the Defendants have yet to give due consideration to the evidence of risks, but rather they delegate the national government’s duty to a single external body (ICNIRP).”

Welcome to Legal Action Against 5G campaign against 5G rollout

United Kingdom: EMF/RF/5G Resistance Part 3 of 3, History in the Making – Safe Tech International ” A quick glance at continuing efforts in the UK to address unsafe technology demonstrates that many local councils are responding to concern from the public and rejecting tower applications, and that some decision-makers are taking into account health concerns, rather than blindly applying outdated, irrelevant, and unsafe exposure guidelines which have never actually been studied and tested for 5G. In addition. news coverage of opposition to telecoms appears to much more complete and free of industry influence in the U.K. than it is in the United States.

EMF/RF/5G Spotlight On The UK: By The Numbers Part 2 Of 3 looks at news headlines and reports of engaged citizen activism in the UK to challenge telecom installations and to protect human rights.

United Kingdom: EMF/RF/5G Resistance & Recent Progress, Part 1 of 3 ” In addition to a legal case against 5G, there are a number of recent historical developments in the UK:

  • A mast (tower) application in Frome was denied on the basis of health concerns
  • A child was awarded an education health plan on the basis of EHS
  • A social worker was awarded disability on the basis of EHS

5G Global Protest

The next Global 5G Protest will be February 6\7 to encourage people across the World to stand in solidarity with the Michael Mansfield Judicial Review.

(8) Global 5G Protest for Freedom 6/7 February | Facebook

Europe: Learn more about reported health effects and the European Citizen’s Initiative “Stay Connected but Protected”

See also the 15-minute educational video: Why EHS is No Fairy Tale created by Sean Carney.

Please support and Sign the European Citizens’ Initiative, using the links below. 1 million signatures are required to force the EU to pay attention and act upon the ECI’s recommendations. I created this animation to inspire European Citizens to sign the “Stop 5G – Stay Connected But Protected European Citizens’ Initiative”, to bring recognition to the debilitating condition. Produced for Europeans for Safe Connections, 2022. Sign the ECI here if you have EU nationality: created by Sean Carney
Portfolio link:

Become Further Inspired

Read Kate Kheel’s inspirational “On Our Way Home to Fulfilling a Dream” honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “What was barely considered throughout both the industrial and digital revolutions was the natural world. And yet, as has now become all too apparent, nature and all her complexities is a central player in civilization’s evolution. Self-appointed elite, government, business, and puppet media were not, have never been, and will never be, the whole story. They can play secondary roles, but the star of the show is Mother Earth.”

Source: SafeTechInternational

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