EMF/RF/5G Health Indicators and the World Health Organization: Who is Counting, and Who Doesn’t WHO Count?
By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Image courtesy Floris Freshman
In the age of ‘data-driven decision making,’ what happens when the data isn’t ‘right’?
What happens when industry ads and Better Call Saul and tin foil hat memes form the basis of the public’s ‘knowledge’ about RF and health?
Some are recognizing that when this happens, it’s time for a ‘re-set,” and that time is now. (Sidenote 1: This is not the reset being planned by the World Economic Forum and its partners, and the implications for the African continent, as reported by Dr. Robert Malone.)
Let’s look at neurology, and not just cancer. Because, haven’t we learned from the tobacco playbook?
Research Comparing Neurological Death Rates in Twenty-One Western Nations
In 2015, Bournemouth University (U.K) researchers Colin Pritchard and Emily Rosenorn-Lanng published their study, “Neurological deaths of American adults (55–74) and the over 75’s by sex compared with 20 Western countries 1989–2010: Cause for concern.”

They asked: “Have USA total neurological deaths (TNDs) of adults (55-74) and the over 75’s risen more than in twenty Western Countries?”
The answer is “Yes.” “For Total neurological deaths (TND) 55–74 age group:
MALES The highest current male 55–74 TND rates ranged from Finland at 1106 pm (per million) down to Japan 219 pm. In 1989–1991, the TC (total country) average rate was 495 pm, increasing to 503 pm over the period, equivalent to a 2% rise. Initially, the USA rate was 344 pm, and was 17th highest out of 21 countries but is now second highest at 627 pm, and had the biggest increase of all countries at 82%.
FEMALES aged 55–74 current TND rates ranged from Finland 816 pm to Greece and Japan 198 pm. The TC average 1989–1991 was 387 pm rising to 390 pm, up 1% whereas the USA rate went from 378 pm to 560 pm, an increase of 48% over the period, which was third largest rise, [Table 1].”
Comparing Neurological vs. Circulatory vs. Cancer Death Rates
The researchers were studying whether neurological death rates were increasing in twenty-one countries, using the other two disease categories as controls.
In addition to skyrocketing rates of Alzheimer’s disease, “Total neurological death rates include “Parkinson’s disease, motor neuron disease, hereditary neuromuscular conditions, prion disorders, degenerative diseases, including Creutzfeldt Jacob’s disease.”
The authors noted the growing social and economic burden of earlier-onset neurological disorders on patients, families, front line services, and society, and the fact that previous research had found that dementia morbidity was occurring earlier.
Book: Dangers of 5G Technology In A Nutshell
They compared the success of previous research and public health campaigns for both cardio-vascular/heart health and cancer with the lack of research attention to neurological issues.
They investigated if there were differences in disease rates between nations; and if there were differences between men and women in different age groupings.
Yes, Alarming Increases in Neurological Deaths
The researchers showed that deaths due to neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia were, in fact, rising in the twenty-one Western countries, with especially alarming increases for women in the United States.
In August of 2015, the Washington Post reported,” The study [ ] found that the disease is now being regularly diagnosed in people in their late 40s and that death rates are soaring. [ ] The problem was particularly acute in the United States, where neurological deaths in men aged over 75 have nearly tripled and in women risen more than fivefold.”
Not Due to Living Longer
As the researchers explained, if increased mortality from neurological illness was caused by the fact the individuals were living longer, “it would be expected that there would be little difference in the patterns of neurological, cancer, and circulatory deaths over the period under review. (The study did note limitations, such as variations in reporting methods in differing nations, and concomitant illnesses.)
In considering the worrisome trends in the United States, in 2015, the researchers concluded, “The nature of any environmental factors are uncertain but there have been major environmental changes; including increased population, economic activity, substantial rises in road and air travel; increased home technology involving background electromagnetic fields (mobile phones, microwave ovens, computers), which are unique to these later years and these possible environmental factors cannot be ignored, especially as they probably interact. This list of possible features might be described as “modern living” and the USA is the epitome of “modern living.”
“There are lessons to be drawn from reduced cancer mortality as every government has made major additional investments in cancer services to respond to wider public concern, which led to major research and treatment resources. This level of commitment, investment, and research needs to be matched in the field of neurology to meet the new challenge, especially in the USA, as with their disproportionate increases in neurological morbidity and mortality, this must be a major cause for concern.”
World Health Organization Data
Using World Health Organization figures, the researchers compared mortality rates for three categories; neurological, cancer, and circulatory diseases.
They compared data for the three-year period of 1989-1991 with the three-year period of 2008-2010, to determine if deaths rates are rising or falling.
Two age categories were analyzed, those in the 55-74 age group, and those aged 75 and over, for 21 Western countries.
Without detracting from the study’s findings, through no fault of the U.K. researchers comparing neurological, cardiac, and cancer death rates, the investigators were limited by less-than-ideal data.
This can be addressed.
WHO Problem #1: Delayed Data Access
The first limiting factor is that the latest data available from the World Health Organization that was up to date for the researchers working in 2014 was for the year 2010.
In the age of frenzied promotion of wirelessly enabled, data-driven decision making, tele-health, Smart Cities, and the drive for ubiquitous, low-latency high speed 5G transmissions, much can still go wrong in the public health and environmental arenas in four years, especially when reports of harm are not investigated, and exposures are increasing for a particular variable, as is the case with non-ionizing radiation. (This is further exacerbated when there is a lack of relevant, appropriate, biologically-based premarket safety testing.)
The recent pandemic health crisis produced national and international data regarding testing, hospitalization and mortality rates that immediately informed news reports and policymaking, on a daily basis. Accurate tallying of annual deaths attributed to addiction also informs public outreach campaigns.
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The strategy of not sharing data on a timely basis was reported by Carrie Gilham in her book “Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science” regarding Monsanto’s Round-up chemical glyphosate. Many additional case histories have been chronicled by the European Environmental Agency in successive reports entitled ‘Late Lessons from Early Warnings.’ “The [] studies show that warnings were ignored or sidelined until damage to health and the environment was inevitable. In some instances, companies put short-term profits ahead of public safety, either hiding or ignoring the evidence of risk. In others, scientists downplayed risks, sometimes under pressure from vested interests.“
Mercenary “scientists” also work for the lucrative product defense industry and happily produce inaccurate work. For example, as noted in the series Center for Public Integrity series “Science for Sale,” Peter Valberg attempted to blame mesothelioma (caused by asbestos exposure) on tobacco. Incredulously, Valberg is also a tobacco scientist. – Meet the ‘rented white coats’ who defend toxic chemicals – Center for Public Integrity More incredulously, he served as an expert regarding smart meter health and safety for utility commissions across the U.S.
The ability to respond to early warnings depends upon having early access to uncorrupted data, by independent researchers not compromised by military, political, economic, or industry affiliations.
Not recognizing or counting reports of microwave symptoms, illnesses and disability near telecom towers or smart meters, and not counting smart meter fires, is an example of the pitfalls of lack of data access.
WHO Problem #2: Age Group Classifications Distorts Pattern Recognition
The U.K. study’s authors noted, “WHO mortality data was previously reported in separate age bands 55–64 and 65–74 but since 2008 they have been combined into 55–74, which made it impossible to directly compare the earlier rates for 55–64-year-olds, which had risen significantly in some countries. Nonetheless, the WHO international data is the most reliable available as it is collated in a consistent and uniform manner. “
The researchers in the U.K. who were comparing disease rates in Western countries were compelled to use the twenty-year bracket that including diagnoses in the 55-to-74-year age grouping.
This is a crucial point.
In terms of epidemiology, there is an enormous difference between diagnosed and/or dying at 55 versus 74 years of age.
Shifting to twenty-year cohorts dramatically obscures whether there is an increasing pattern of earlier onset of neurological disease and death.
WHO Problem #3: Imposing Arbitrary Parameters That Obscure Pattern Recognition
UK researchers Colin Pritchard and Emily Rosenorn-Lanng compared data for two time periods that were twenty years apart (1989-1991 vs.2008-2010), mirroring the West’s common practice of using decades in epidemiology comparisons.
Over 5,000 years ago, Chinese advisors to the emperor engaged in on-going analysis of accumulated data, with advanced mathematics and a complex written language. They did not organize the data into arbitrary segments of ten-year decades, or twenty-year age spans, or centuries. Instead, they researched patterns. Parameters were not arbitrarily imposed.
This enabled the advisors to the emperor to accurately map cycles, and to know where they were in the Time/Space continuum of Energy. The West doesn’t.
Decades vs. Twelve- and Sixty-Year Cycles
The Chinese seers identified an underlying lunar pattern of twelve years, and a longer repeating cycle of sixty years. As the late Theodora Lau wrote, “The Chinese lunar calendar originated with the Emperor Huang Tim who introduced the cycle in 2637 B.C., the 61st year of his reign. A complete cycle of 60 lunar years is made up of five twelve-year cycles.“
Chinese were not the only ones who perceived a twelve-year pattern, and the twelve-year and sixty-year framework is not the only rhythm that has been identified by societies cognizant of subtle energies inhabiting nature and human health.
The possible implications of recognizing the patterns that the Chinese masters systematized are remarkable, not only for epidemiology, but also for agriculture, self-care, climate discussion, and for every human endeavor influenced by the interaction between the Earth, Air, Water, and Sky, including the food supply.
Anthropologists studying early patterns ranging from migration to market trade speculate that counting and calendar use was influenced by humans having only ten fingers.
But in fact, many supposedly “primitive” indigenous and Eastern cultures that are considered less developed or advanced than the West have a living knowledge and understanding of Nature that does not inform technology.
Juxtaposed with the potential for new insights, the practice of imposing the decade framework might one day be understood as a primitive, inaccurate strategy.
Computer processing could allow for nearly instantaneous data revision and exploration of other frameworks, including cyclical weather patterns.
One framework that could already be informing research regarding the effect of artificial electromagnetic fields on human health would be to quantify the effects on the twelve meridian pathways of oriental medicine.
The point is not necessarily whether the twelve and sixty-year cycles are still entirely accurate.
The point is that within a Technocratic Age, the individual referencing their smart watch or cell phone for the “time” is Lost in Space and has no touchstone with which to ground with Nature or the Cosmic Current that supports all of life.
Eastern cosmology recognizes an energetic connection between 1963 and 2023 that resonates throughout all of Nature, including human health.
Those following the wisdom of the luni-solar calendar recognize that there are favorable and unfavorable times for different endeavors, including health. This includes recognition that the year of the Rabbit is pertinent to the Large Intestine and the Kidneys. Those who respect the wisdom of the Eastern sciences are also looking ahead to the Years of the Dragon, Snake, and especially the Fire Horse year of 2026, a double fire year. This includes much-feared China, whose populace kept the knowledge alive, despite the government’s attempt to impose the Gregorian calendar brought by the Jesuits.
Time, historically, was weaponized. Without irecognizing that Time was once expressed and understood as energy, we can’t “see” the damage that artificial frequencies create.
New insights will emerge if parameters are not imposed, or weaponized, by centralized authorities controlling data and decision-based evidence making.
2019 Follow-up Study
In 2019, researchers Colin Pritchard and Emily Rosenorn-Lanng published a follow-up paper “Are rises in Electro-Magnetic Field in the human environment, interacting with multiple environmental pollutions, the tipping point for increases in neurological deaths in the Western World?”

“We hypothesize that over the last 25 years increases in background Electro-Magnetic-Fields within the human environment, impacting upon the extant and rising multiple interactive-environmental pollutants is the Tipping Point for the accelerating increases in neurological deaths in the Western world.”
“In closing, we take a backward look over just 25 clinical years to consider the rises in the incidence of Autism and Asperger syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ADHD, Early Onset Dementias, rises in the WHO diagnostic categories Nervous Disease Deaths and Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia deaths across the Western world, all alongside intensive increases in background environmental pollutants and the now ubiquitous EMF. Part of the problem is that these influences have been slow and insidious and the new digital world, so full of ‘good things’, perhaps we may need to begin to realise that possibly we have opened Pandora’s Box. There is a need to re-think the modern world’s impact upon human health and its epigenetic development, almost matching as it does climate change, which for so long has relatively been denied. It is stressed that we do not want to ‘stop the modern’ EMF world, only make it safer.”
WHO and IARC – Vinyl Chloride
In the 2016 investigative series “Science for Sale” the article “Making a Cancer Cluster Disappear” notes, “in 1979, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC, part of the World Health Organization, took the unequivocal position that vinyl chloride caused brain tumors. Yet today, [ ] the scientific literature largely exonerates vinyl chloride. A 2000 industry review of brain cancer deaths at vinyl chloride plants found that the chemical’s link to brain cancer “remains unclear.” Citing that study and others, IARC in 2008 reversed itself.
However, a Center for Public Integrity review of thousands of once-confidential documents shows that the industry study cited by IARC was flawed, if not rigged. Although that study was supposed to tally all brain cancer deaths of workers exposed to vinyl chloride, Union Carbide didn’t include Malone’s death. In fact, the company counted only one of the 23 brain-tumor deaths in Texas City.
The Center’s investigation found that because of the way industry officials designed the study, it left out workers known to have been exposed to vinyl chloride, including some who had died of brain tumors. Excluding even a few deaths caused by a rare disease can dramatically change the results of a study.
Asked hypothetically what it would mean if deaths were left out, James J. Collins, the former director of epidemiology at Dow Chemical, which merged with Union Carbide in 2001, said, “That wouldn’t make very good science.”
Richard Lemen, a former U.S. assistant surgeon general and NIOSH deputy director, put it more bluntly: “I think that borders on criminal.” – Making a Cancer Cluster Disappear
33 people around McCullom Lake, Illinois, developed brain tumors, and EMF/RF/smart meter expert Peter Valberg was there to defend the chemical company that dumped vinyl chloride and other volatile chemicals into the lake. ““These in-depth summaries and updates of worker cohorts do not support a causal link between VC exposure and brain cancer,” Valberg wrote.”
Industry should not be producing these reviews.
In 2011 the WHO IARC classified RF as a possible human carcinogen.

As Microwave News reported, “On November 23, Elisabete Weiderpass, the Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), revealed that a new assessment of the evidence linking radiofrequency (RF) radiation to cancer would likely take place in early 2024. [ ]
Calls for a new IARC evaluation have been mounting for some years following the release of two large animal studies showing elevated tumor counts after lifelong exposure to RF radiation. Many believe that the animal experiments leave the Agency little choice but to increase the cancer risk classification at least one notch to “probable” from the current “possible,” or perhaps to its highest classification, a known human carcinogen.
But, as Weiderpass made clear on making the announcement at a conference in Paris, the RF–cancer risk might instead be downgraded and the “possible” classification removed.” – Microwave News
IARC once cleared its ranks of tobacco, but they let the tobacco scientists back in through a revolving door.
WHO and the IARC and their work with industry and with the Peter Valbergs of the world (who jump from tobacco to chemicals to radio frequencies) needs to be scrutinized by an engaged, informed public, now.
Local Community Response
Every local community can begin to quantify all of the harm, across all age groups and extending to other species, that frivolous, reckless applications of wireless technology has unleashed, including neurological harm and addiction, microwave hearing and other EMF/RF -related illnesses, including cancer.
We don’t need to be quantifying harm using dead-body counts, years after the pain and suffering has unfolded, with statistics sanitized by problem industries and mercenary science both nationally and internationally.
We know enough to know that we took a few wrong turns.
Source: SafeTechInternational