America’s Health Declined Dramatically Under Fauci
By Neenah Payne
Fauci’s Resignation Won’t Stop Senate Investigation shows that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID, resigned on August 22 rather than as planned at the end of the Biden administration — possibly in an attempt to avoid scrutiny. However, the Senate has vowed to conduct a thorough investigation.
Fauci’s opposition to proven, safe, low-cost early treatments like HCQ, Ivermectin, Budesonide, and intravenous vitamin C allegedly cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans. His support of masks, social distancing, PCR tests, lockdowns, etc. had no scientific basis and all had disastrous results.
Fauci refused to listen to The Great Barrington Declaration and the advice of Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID shots, to immediately halt the injections. However, the CDC now refutes almost all of the official COVID narrative Fauci insisted was based on “the science”.
The legacy media fawned over Fauci so much, there are cards and prayer candles showing Fauci as a saint! The Guardian and magazine even proposed to proclaim Fauci “the sexiest man alive”! However, much of the public has lost faith in Fauci and his ideas.
Fauci Presided Over Greatest Public Health Debacle in History
Dr. Scott Atlas is the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow in health care policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. Before his appointment at Hoover Institution, he was Professor and Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center for 14 years. From July to December 2020, Dr. Atlas served as a Special Advisor to Trump and a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Dr. Atlas supported re-opening schools without masks or social distancing. He is the author of numerous books, including A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America.
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Dr. Atlas points out in the video linked below the harm Fauci’s policies caused.
“Dr. Scott Atlas of Stanford’s Hoover Institute joins ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ to shine light on the flawed history of Dr. Anthony Fauci after his retirement announcement from the National Institute of Health Monday.”
Fauci’s legacy is presiding over the greatest debacle in public health history: Scott Atlas (video)
NY Post: Good riddance to dangerous Dr. Fauci
By Post Editorial Board
“Whether you’ve met him personally or not, he has touched all Americans’ lives with his work,” President Joe Biden said of news that his chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci, is finally retiring. Biden’s only too right — tragically. Fauci’s COVID guidance was disastrous.
Fauci, now 81, initially greeted COVID by insisting it wasn’t a “major threat,” only to flip almost overnight into a strident hawk. He demanded contact tracing, a measure as costly as it was useless. He called for economic shutdowns and national school closures. He ridiculed efforts to focus protective efforts narrowly on the truly vulnerable — the elderly and the immunocompromised.
He mocked the idea that people who recovered from COVID had some degree of natural immunity (after having once proposed it himself). And he did all this even as he doubted in private the efficacy of masks and the existence of asymptomatic spread. His overgrown ego, in short, led him to promote the most destructive federal and state policies in recent US memory. And as of late July he was still at it, saying we should’ve had “much more stringent restrictions” to fight asymptomatic COVID spread in 2020. This, when his tactics accomplished nothing. The United States did worse on overall COVID outcomes than did Sweden, which never closed schools nor implemented other draconian policies.
Yet Fauci’s chief sin likely came before COVID even reached these shores: As chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, he championed and oversaw funding for labs in China that performed gain-of-function research on viruses. Then, as the face of the nation’s coronavirus response, he joined the drive to render unmentionable the idea that the virus might have leaked from that Wuhan lab. And for all the lives his ideas cost and all the needless pain they inflicted, Fauci has not been — and looks likely never to be — held accountable.
In his own words, the good doctor is leaving to “pursue his next chapter.” For the sake of the world, we hope it’s focused on gardening. Fauci’s too dangerous to be anywhere near the levers of power.”
NY Post: Good riddance to Fauci and his calamitous, costly career
By John Tierney
Whatever comes next in the pandemic, we all have cause to rejoice at the best news since the arrival of the COVID vaccine: Anthony Fauci, the president’s chief medical adviser, has announced his retirement. His long and singularly disastrous career ends in December. Never in the history of the public-health profession has anyone been so richly rewarded for doing so much harm to the public’s health. Whether or not he actually helped start the COVID pandemic — by funding dangerous research in the Chinese lab that may have created the coronavirus — he promoted a series of policies in America and the rest of the world that did even more damage than the virus.
Except possibly for the Great Depression, the lockdowns were the costliest public-policy mistake ever made during peacetime in America.
Fauci got away with it by invoking the authority of science while violating its fundamental principles. Before COVID arrived, the world’s leading epidemiologists had warned that lockdowns would be futile and cause catastrophic collateral damage, but Fauci simply ignored that advice. As evidence mounted of the policies’ failure, he persisted by deploying the skills honed during five decades in Washington: bureaucratic infighting, media manipulation and fearmongering.
In the 1980s, he made national news by warning that the AIDS virus could be spread by “routine close contact” among family members, becoming one of the early prophets of the AIDS “heterosexual breakout” that would supposedly decimate the general population. That prospect needlessly terrified the public for more than a decade, but it boosted public funding for AIDS research, including a long and costly Fauci project to develop an AIDS vaccine.
The vaccine venture failed, but it enabled Fauci and two of his collaborators, Deborah Birx and Robert Redfield, to develop a relationship that they exploited during their service on the White House COVID Task Force. Birx, the task force’s coordinator, and Redfield, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, joined with Fauci to bully the Trump administration into following their dictates on COVID. The three secretly agreed to all resign if any of them were fired, and they never disagreed with one another at the task-force meetings, as Scott Atlas recounts in his Washington memoir, “A Plague Upon Our House.”
Atlas, a health-policy analyst at the Hoover Institution, tried getting his colleagues at the meetings to consider the evidence that lockdowns and mask mandates were not working, but the three bureaucrats had no interest in debating it — or bothering to read the studies. To his amazement, they made no pretense of conducting any sort of cost-benefit analysis of their policies and never deigned to even discuss the vast social and economic collateral damage.
They were bureaucrats solely focused on compelling the public to follow their arbitrary rules. There was no reason to force vaccinations on people who had already acquired natural immunity to COVID, but the bureaucrats were determined to punish anyone who defied their authority — and silence any scientist who criticized them.
Early in the pandemic, prominent virologists expressed concerns by email that the virus had been created in the Wuhan laboratory, but they publicly dismissed that possibility after a teleconference with Fauci and other officials who had been funding research at the lab.
When eminent researchers from Oxford, Harvard, and Stanford issued the Great Barrington Declaration, calling for a traditional public-health policy focused on protecting the vulnerable instead of shutting down society, Fauci dismissed it as “total nonsense,” and the mainstream media, as usual, parroted his smears and claims.
Fauci owed much of his success to decades of cultivating the right journalists — always quick to return a phone call or email, always available for a TV appearance, always happy to provide an authoritative quotation when he had no idea what he was talking about. Above all, he was always ready to satisfy journalists’ need for scary news and doomsday predictions.
Terrifying the public was good for business. The journalists were rewarded more clicks and higher ratings; Fauci and his fellow bureaucrats amassed more power and bigger budgets. Fauci became the highest-paid federal employee, earning more than $400,000 per year, and stands to collect a pension estimated at $350,000 a year. That’s an appalling sum, considering the lasting harm he has done to children and adults in America and the rest of the world. But it’s a small price to be rid of him.
John Tierney is a contributing editor of City Journal and a co-author of “The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It.”
NY Post Dr. Fauci’s war on science, Garland’s ‘accidental launch’ and other commentary
By Post Editorial Board
COVID desk: Fauci’s War on Science
Anthony Fauci did his best to debunk the anti-COVID-hawkism Great Barrington Declaration just “four days after” it was published, points out Marty Makary at Common Sense. And “Facebook and Google followed suit . . . falsely deeming [it] ‘misinformation.’ ” Yet now, “federal officials are . . . endorsing many of the policies the Great Barrington Declaration authors suggested.”
So “if dissent had been welcomed from the start . . . a lot of suffering could have been avoided.” Scientists “own up” to “mistakes . . . and strive to do better.” Instead, Fauci “famously said . . . ‘Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.’ ” But “no person embodies science. To suggest as much betrays a cast of mind that is entirely at odds with science itself.”
Confidence in Fauci and CDC Declines
EPISODE 282: FOOD FIGHT begins with a discussion of Fauci’s legacy.
Confidence Declines in CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci
Major CDC Flip Flop
CDC Backtracks on COVID Guidance — Is It a Political Ploy? by Dr. Joseph Mercola points out:
Under the subhead, “Protecting Persons Most at Risk for Severe Illness,” the CDC now takes a page straight out of The Great Barrington Declaration and recommends focused protection, meaning protecting those “at particularly high risk … because of older age, disability, moderate or severe immunocompromise, or other underlying medical conditions.”
Need anyone be reminded that doctors and scientists have been defamed and dragged through the mud for saying this? And Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and his former boss, Dr. Francis Collins, then-director of the National Institutes of Health, were the masterminds behind the effort to discredit and take down the authors of the Barrington declaration….
Everything the CDC is now recommending was blasphemy punishable by public shaming, deplatforming and delicensing…. Thacker writes: “The media’s forgetfulness of what they reported just last year on vaccines and prior infection is part of the pandemic’s Great Misremembering…. For example, when the media reported that the NIH’s Anthony Fauci was fully vaccinated and still got COVID-19, and then they misremembered to report his prior statement, ‘When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected’
To help everyone join the Great Misremembering, here are some incidents you must fail to recall.”
The More COVID Shots, the Higher the Reinfection Rate
Evidence that COVID reinfection rates go up in tandem with the number of COVID shots administered is also mounting, which is turning former believers into skeptics. As reported by Icelander Thorsteinn Siglaugsson in a Daily Sceptic article published in mid-August 2022:
“Data on infection, hospitalization, and mortality already show vaccination not only failing to prevent those, but in some cases being counterproductive. In short, the vaccines have failed to deliver what we were promised…. Still, it is for the most part forbidden to discuss this fact … As an example, it is forbidden to say COVID-19 vaccines may cause death, even if a quick search on the internet shows confirmed cases where there is no doubt about the causality.”
COVID Shots Caused Unprecedented Increase In Deaths
Dr. Pierre Kory reported in an 8/26 email:
Statisticians and analysts working with the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) have estimated the total number of deaths in the U.S caused by the COVID-19 vaccines based on the numbers reported to the U.S Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
In their white paper …. Using the same methodology for the 14,613 COVID-19 vaccine associated deaths in the U.S reported as of May 16, 2022, the updated point estimate is approximately 599,000 deaths. The data and conclusions from these publications above provide support for identifying the vaccination campaign as the primary cause of the massive increases in Life Insurance claims among working-age Americans beginning in the second half of 2021.
Dr. Kory adds:
The analyst concluded, “the official Massachusetts database of death certificates contains proof that C19 vaccines killed thousands of people in Massachusetts in 2021.”
Equally alarming are the massive rise in deaths among healthy, young professional athletes from around the world. Since the vaccination campaign was initiated, and as of June 4, 2022, there were approximately 1,090 athletes that suffered a cardiac arrest, with 715 of them dying as a result. The majority of arrests occurred in competition or training. The frequency of these events in comparison to historical data is highly concerning.
In a 2009 review of professional athletes’ deaths, published in a prominent European Cardiology journal, they found that from 1966 to 2004, there was an average of only 29 sudden athlete deaths per year worldwide. Compare this number to just the month of January 2022 alone where 127 collapses and 87 deaths among professional athletes were reported. Overall, these athlete deaths reflect an approximately 22-fold increase in the year after the introduction of COVID vaccines, to date unexplained by other identifiable causes.
The CDC data provided in this article shows the timing of the start and the steady rise in all-cause mortality of working-age adults in the U.S, both overlapping with the start of the mass vaccination campaign. Although alternate causes of this historic rise in death have been considered, (i.e. COVID deaths, deaths of despair etc), the number of deaths from these causes is insufficient to explain the overall rise.
We’re Controlling You Even MORE Now! – News Update
The Real Reason Fauci Is Stepping Down? ‘His Presence Is No Longer Politically Sustainable.’
A Medical Call to Arms
Don’t Want to Die From A Stroke? by Dr. Mark Sircus.
See Senator Ron Johnson’s Amazing COVID Hearings and Sen. Ron Johnson Calls For COVID Debate
Sen. Ron Johnson: Pandemic Politics & America’s Covid Cartel
Also see:
Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post and Natural Blaze
Top image credit: Wikipedia