Germany Unveils China-inspired COVID App
By Keean Bexte
Germany’s health minister, Karl Lauterbach, has unveiled a new COVID tracking app that uses colours based on medical status to determine what rights someone has, just like the app used in China.
This news comes as Lauterbach preps the country for another series of restrictions in the fall, arguing that Germany needs the app to determine who should be forced to wear a mask.
“A different colour of the certificate is planned for the CWA [Corona-Warn-App],” Lauterbach proclaimed.
Lauterbach says that, while he doesn’t expect people to get vaccines every three months, calling such a move “absurd,” the new colour scheme will be based on whether someone has been “freshly vaccinated.”
If you’re “freshly vaccinated” (i.e. recently) and don’t have COVID, you’ll be able to go around bare-faced and access the whole of society. If you’re unvaccinated, you’ll be assigned the colour red and have your rights diminished. If you’re vaccinated but deemed “not fresh enough,” you’ll be able to enjoy some rights but will still have to wear a mask.
“First of all: some countries are resisting the fact that newly vaccinated people can sit in the gastro without a mask. [The] ‘Too uncertain, bad control’ criticism is wrong. It is safer to sit at the table with a vaccinated person than with an unvaccinated person,” Lauterbach wrote in a tweet addressing critics. [translated from German]
“The fact that ‘freshly vaccinated’ cannot be checked is also wrong,” Lauterbach said. “On the CWA, a different colour of the certificate is provided. Easier than earlier 2G+, e.g. Next argument: [Some] people want vaccination every three months. Also outlandish. No doctor does that; no one wants that.”
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Lauterbach continues, hinting at what Germany’s new restrictions will look like, with the minister dangling an exemption to the mask mandate in front of his constituents’ faces.
“If vaccines protecting against infection are available in the fall, they should also be of benefit to those who have been vaccinated. You can not do without a mask in the interior in the fall. An exception would be justifiable for the newly vaccinated.”
Lauterbach also says that if too many people oppose the mask mandate exemption for the “freshly vaccinated,” a more “general” mask mandate will be imposed.
Source: The Counter Signal